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Currently... it's my business ;)
3?! I have too many favourite people to pick just 3 :/
Lilly is number 1 though of course.
****face sparkle
Baby it's not a crush. That's my Woman.
Ok bebe ?
Unfortunately I don't have a mirror in my toilet to check.
Tattoed car guy ?????
Doggy ?
Hmm.. humour. I love a guy that has similar humour to me. Gets me every time.
I don't think so. But I was also never where is attention was at
I..... keep my business to myself aha
Haha not at all. Doesn'tsurprise me to be honest
Hmmmm alright :/
Oh thank you <3 <3
Hi is usually a good start... And... do you like.... stuff? Haha
I suppose.. but a crush is really nothing. Feelings and a crush is two different things though.
Yeah. It's human i think. I mean, johnny depp is always my crush. Relationship or not ;)
Always taco.
We weren't happy. We had done couples counselling and everything to try and get to a good place. it just didn't happen. He didn't have time for our family, and i couldn't continue going being so unhappy.
Aw thank you so much
Aha no.
I already do ;)
Loves your b oo bie pics ;)
Haha Krystal!
Well... I can't do the splits :( so not far enough I guess lol)
What's a date? :') Haha! I've only ever been taken on one "first date" and no I didn't lol
Hahaha I feel like this is a francco thing to say lol
My own? Hah
So much.. He's smart, funny, caring, ( all the generic crap, but he actually is that). He makes me feel safe. Not just physically safe, but emotionally. I'm not really lonely, even when he isn't here, because I know he's coming home to me. I've never really been able to picture a future with someone before, but I know Aaron and I will grow old together. And it doesn't scare me like the thought of growing old with someone used to.
Not as many as most people think :) But that's really my business anyway :)
The muffin man?
Lol.. Who doesn't?
Honestly? If I could financially support them, about 6. But realistically, I'd like to have another 2. (Fingers crossed for a boy :) )
Haha well, I don't think so. I'd never cheat on Aaron and am fully committed to him.. :)
Ahahahaha! Oh hell yeah! ALL DA WOMENZ
In my mind or reality? Lol