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Tishe van Reenen


Ask me stuff ;)

337 Replies

U, Kristin and mellissa are like the only ones who had a glow up from Chelsea


tishevanreenen replied 2123 days ago

Blonde looks nice on you

Thanks babe

tishevanreenen replied 2208 days ago

What’s your Instagram?


tishevanreenen replied 2243 days ago

Have you ever been on a bus/car trip where they pulled over the for guys to pee but wouldn't stop at a bathroom for the girls?

No lol

tishevanreenen replied 2244 days ago

You are to beautiful I’m scared of talking to you

Why lol

tishevanreenen replied 2244 days ago

You are absolutely stunning Keagan_09

Thanks xo

tishevanreenen replied 2244 days ago 1

Would you ever pull a black guy


tishevanreenen replied 2244 days ago

Are you planning on taking a professional career in modeling or ballet?

Most probably and hopefully ballet

tishevanreenen replied 2244 days ago

Who’s your favorite person in Mrs Kelly’s geography class
Homie if you don’t get this I’ll cry
Literally just gave you a hint
It’s really not hard

Most definitely has to be this girl that sits right in front ... kidding she sits at the back now

tishevanreenen replied 2244 days ago

Bro surely you know your weight and height now? ?

Weight : 45kg
Height 1.62

tishevanreenen replied 2244 days ago

Hey babe

Yo ?

tishevanreenen replied 2279 days ago

Am i the only girl that has sent nudes to one of my friends, so that she can compare my new bikini to my body?

Probably not

tishevanreenen replied 2279 days ago

If you could live anywhere in the world, where'd you go?

New York

tishevanreenen replied 2288 days ago

Which is the most unattractive hair color in your opinion

A failed ombré or when people with naturally dark hair get highlights and they go orange

tishevanreenen replied 2288 days ago

Why r u doing project scouted

Why not ?

tishevanreenen replied 2288 days ago