ek mis jou vrek baie tomas! dis tyd dat jy terug kom,ek oorleef skool nie,nie sonder jou nie :( lief vir jou van jaarsveld. ss2709
awww mis juw even meer dis ni mee diselle sonder ni
Why aren't you and chane still a couple? You guys were the best couple in history! Do you still like her?
i still like her alot but im not in a relationship mood
tmmie replied
4081 days ago
Ek sl jou nooit vergeet nie van Jaarsveld. Jy.s n bje goeie mns! Never lose your toutch. Sterkte in die nuwe skool. Jy.s altyd in my hartjie. Onthou om gereeld te bel vir updates :p Baie liefde.. Chane
awww sal juw oki vergeti ,love u bje gaan julle amal so mis
Hayy tommi({}) !!* .... Bly oulik hoor!! Jy is soo goed daarin hehe ({}) ... Miss jou vreeslik baie bud (Micci)* 13michaelaQi13
Awwww love u 2 micciqi ,
Tomas ! Guess who *EvilLaugh* ℓσνє you lots like jelly tots <3
i will find you ,and i wil know who u are*evil laugh*eeheheheh
tmmie replied
4084 days ago
Hello Amazing person, missing u down here on the West coast xoxo Caits
oms mis u even more ,love u guys so much
tmmie replied
4084 days ago
Who do u like?
1-micci 2-chane 3-malinda
tmmie replied
4084 days ago
I know u still have feelings 4 her! Yes or no? (J) if u do tell how strong they r so she can realize her mistake:)
No I realy don't
tmmie replied
4308 days ago
Ok,random person
tmmie replied
4308 days ago
Hoelank skat jy gaan jul uitgan????
Ek weni, vi nog lank,baie lank
tmmie replied
4352 days ago
*Love y0u babeZzz ,. :* ss2709
luv u 2
*Loviies y0u veRry muCch !! :* ss2709
Luv u 2 my engel
Wanneer gaan jul soen ??? Jade.
N mens kanii dit preditct ni,dit gebeur net
tmmie replied
4353 days ago
Genade :p jul gan uit viii n mnd en kn mekar viii n mnd:p wt ht jy eerste gednk vn har toe jyyy har sien??? Jade
Ek dag sy was di mooiste mal persoon wat ek in my lewe nog gesien het
Hoe lank kn jyyy viii Chaneqii ???
Min of meer 1 maand
tmmie replied
4353 days ago
Hou j daarvan dat mse goed oor Chaneqii n kanker se? Dit maak my baie kwaad! Van Jade...
Ja selle eks gatvol daarvan
tmmie replied
4354 days ago
Wat sou jy doen as Chane kanker kry?
Wie is hir?!
tmmie replied
4354 days ago
Hi :)
Hi ping my op bbm
tmmie replied
4354 days ago
Hoelank gaan jy en Chaneqii noual uit? Van Jade:)
Min of meer n maand
tmmie replied
4354 days ago
Ek hoop Chane kry kanker en gaan dood!!!!!!!!!!
Wi de hell is hiri?
tmmie replied
4355 days ago
Is jy lief vir Chane?
Ja ek is vrek lief vi haar ; )
Was*up tomas!!!!!!!!! mense laaik jo chick :D
Tnx bra ping my op bbm:)
tmmie replied
4355 days ago
Mis j0u baja my engel :* kanii wag vii Maandag ;) ..Love u :* ss2709
Mis jou ok liefling,kanii wagii
Lief vii j0u!! :* ss2709
Lief jou ook my engel :*
Bra jyt n awesome meisie don't let this one slip threw your fingers she's an awesome friend too you know da best eva... ;)
Tnx : ) ping my op BBM
Hi Tomas,ek's Jade{Chane se maat}. Dankie dat jyyy haar so wondrlik behandl! Jule pas baja mooi saam. Jy's n ware man en n keeper;). Sy kannie ophou oor jou prat nie:) sy's regtg verlief op jou:)Bye_***
Danq, sys so awesome,ek dink ook ons pas saam,n eks super lief vi haar
*DanQii mYy engeL daT jyY s0o0o baja vii mYy 0mgee.. Ek's LiefieSs vii j0u :* Jy's dii ou vii my;) ..Jy's dii beste inii univurSe!!..* ss2709
Ek s seker great ,maar jy is so veel beter,lief jou soo baie
Who the f*** r you I'll f*** you up if you speak about my friends chick likey don't u rather stick to ur mother instead f***ing ashole
Dude chill,seriously ,and watch that mouth of yours ,u might wanna go check that out. by a psychologist
Everyone kisses when their 13!
No sh*t
tmmie replied
4359 days ago
Sal jy ooit jou meisie soen?
Ja hkm?
tmmie replied
4359 days ago
I'm Branden.I'm 13 and ur girl was my neighbour a few years ago. Treat her well,kiss her like ufe never kissed anyone before.and show her that u love her everyday. She's a real diamond and close to a heart.I'm the perv.
What the hell!
tmmie replied
4359 days ago
Dude jou meisie is n sl#t,h#er,koei,bi#ch en vele meer! Sy's nie die moeite werd nie! Maar ek is! So asb ek vra jou uit:D
Wie de hell is j,
tmmie replied
4359 days ago
hi it's me again.I really love your girlfriend ,but she'll never let you go! But I'm not giving up! I'll even go to her house and rape her if I have to! Just aslong as I can have se* with her! So stay outof my way cu*t !!
Dude watch mouth of yours,when I\'m threw with u ,you\'ll regret even thinking of what u said
tmmie replied
4360 days ago
HeYy BaBeZz DaNQii virii beSte dRuKii 0oit !! Jy's dii beste !! Love u <3 :* ss2709
Hi liefling,love u millions
Do you want me to rape that hore?.. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Call me a perv! But all I want is ur girl on my lap ;) hahahahahahahahahaha!!! Het jule al gesoen / saam geslaap? As jy die antwoord dan sal ek jo uitlos!:D
Dude seriously ons 13
tmmie replied
4360 days ago
Why can't you stand up 4 ur slu* of a girlfriend? Mmh?????????????? Answer me u f***ed up **** !!
Sjo u kiss yo mother with that mouth,and whoever u r ,I bet she\'s 1000000 times better than u
HeYy se*yY .. MiS j0u BaIe :* .. Love y0u :* .. ss2709
Howsit liefling ,lov u 2
Was*up tomas :D
Sup bra ping my op BBM
tmmie replied
4361 days ago
Hi,You probably know that I told ur girlfriend to leave you and go out with me instead!!!! She's a real catch! This works better in afrikaans,Sy's naaibaar ;). Ek laaik daai girl tot stikke ,so asb bra los haar sodat ek haar kan kry vir myself!
In your dreams a*hole ,stop being a flippen perv, you lucky I don\'t know where you live
Who are you dating and why?
First tell me who u are,then we\'ll talk
tmmie replied
4366 days ago