Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Hahah sorry :( I still dont know who you are
Sorry :( I dont even know who are you..
Shes my bestie thats it holmes
She doesn't want a boyfriend or doesnt like me ir something I dunno but I love her nonr the less
Fair enough
Why do you hate me :(
Aawww sorry :(
None baby girl
Hush baby girl
Ill take my time with jaime :)
Cause its not the right time :)
Neither if us are ready..
And if and when I do I want to make it special and something she wont forget :)
I havent told anyone weve done anything D-I-C-K H-E-A-D
1. We havent done anything
2. Even if we had I wouldnt tell anyone
3. Its none if your buisness
So stop making up shi* to try make things bad between us or try turn each other againts us... seriously just f*** off
What are you talking about? Can you inbox me?
Best bloke out I love him to bits ;)
James leach - Amelia
I dont know any other couples
Butt...korsak and shelby
Bradels and someone hottt ;)
Umm how am I doing that?
Okay :(
Jaime :)
1, jaime g the rest can leave me alone if they think im honestly chatting them up.. grow up!
If only you were right anon
Yeah :)
Maddy, cause I talk to her nore than ive ever spoken to tayla or Vivian
Ummmm anon? Is that you..
Yeah :/ im single mainly cause im not hot though...
Hahaha you should ;) inbox me?
Ummm everyone including you
Sorry cant help you... :/
Ohh okay then
I honestly couldn't tell you at the moment :(
How do you know im not going? Diiickkk heeeaddd.
And although many people may not want me here there are others that do so unless your gonna get off anon and tell me fuuckk offf
Depends if your not okay what are you?
So do I... but I love her and she loves me so shut yo face :) xo
Dont know
I know :) I don't believe anyone. She's amazing
Premiers 2013
She has a name.. its jaime* so use it, I like her so if I want to "waste my time" on her I will cause she makes me happy and who cares if she likes another guy so be it. But honestly if you think your gonna turn me againts her you can f*** off cause its not working your just pissing me off.
Fine I will :) ex oh
Hahah no I have no-one single life
No j have play station and meat :P hahah
i have a boyfriend duude
None haha dont want to look like a man ***** cause its more then 1 girl/ not the girl I like
I go for guys.... I have a boyfriend :/
Doesnt work haha
Loves a pretty strong feeling, I definitely like her though and no-one else.
Sorry dude man
Inbox me and ill tell you.. Once again I dont want to embarras* her so im not going to put it where every one can see it
None... I cant help it what people think but there is only one girl I like and apart from that the rest is just me joking around with friends that I thought I could joke around with.
Theres a few good bunch of boys miss them all
Yeah I think I do anon
Hahaha okay ill have a look
Well im not
Really nice and easy going
And more cant pick 3
If I knew what one was
Inbox me and ill tell you :) only cause I dont want to embarras* the girl :)
Its a secret haha
Not my place to comment, your gonna have to ask her yourself.
Yeah of course
Billy tsiamis
If thats what you think... but every girl ive been with has cheated on me so I think girls I date are treating me like shi* noe the other way around xo
So do I
Hahahahah arent you a funny f***... I dont use any girls and id never hurt jaime ill always be there for her aslong as she wants me around.
Of course
Best bloke, love him
Hahaja aww! We can atleast be friends!
Jusr happened cause yolo
Exactly what it means
A while
Chloe Tilley
Adam Korsak
There the main two I trust others with some things
How do you think
Answered this so many times and I always forget people so yku can inbox me and find out
Dk dude.. born that way
Madelene Koeleman
God damn