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Ask Meee

66 Replies

Why are you ignoring the person you're ignoring right now?

Because I fcking hate him

tori_jayde replied 3124 days ago

Who will you never forget, that made you a better person?


tori_jayde replied 3124 days ago

Who is a friend you miss

No one

tori_jayde replied 3311 days ago

Why do you have that scar ?

Cause Chiara pushed me on the school fence

tori_jayde replied 3341 days ago 1 1

What got you upset recently?

People lying...

tori_jayde replied 3384 days ago

Why do you bother?

With what?

tori_jayde replied 3438 days ago

Is your year going great ?

Yeah fantastic

tori_jayde replied 3529 days ago 1

Haters gon hate but if they weren't scared they'd take anon off and show what they really think of us ((: LMAO ***** A$$ btcheś Victoria.RC


tori_jayde replied 3547 days ago 1

fck of anon go get a life emilysimovska

Aww thanks bby xx

tori_jayde replied 3548 days ago 1

Fûçk off anon leave tori alone Beck19

yeah true lmao love you

tori_jayde replied 3549 days ago

Why do you think that your top when your not do you care that you can get bashed so easily by all the people that hate you and Victoria

Do you think YOUR top sht for hating on me ? seriously anon, get a fcking life and stop being ****s to me and my friends. You have no right to hate on me! please explain why you hate me so much and if you can't give me a reason than fck right off.

tori_jayde replied 3549 days ago 2

you are literally so annoying

Aw thank you hunni

tori_jayde replied 3549 days ago

You're such a liar

Please explain how? Lmao

tori_jayde replied 3549 days ago

What do you want right now ?

For everyone to keep there opinions to themselves

tori_jayde replied 3550 days ago 1

Thoughts on victoria ?

HAHA OMG. Well Victoria your my best friend, and have always been. We've been through everything together, your an amazing friend and you will never know how thankful I am to have you as my friend. Victoria I thought I helped you find the one but obviously not because we know how that ended.... But Victoria I promise one day you will. We have an interesting friendsip because I don't think when people are friends they hit each other and everything we do, but who cares what people think. You've helped me through so much Victoria and if you weren't there I really don't know what I would of done. You could have left my side so many times and all those times I wouldn't blame you, but you haven't and I know that is what a true friend is. Victoria Rhiannon cantwell, remember I'm always here for you whenever you need me!! I love you so much❤️xxxx

tori_jayde replied 3550 days ago 2