Hi, your a poo and can s*ck a willy!
who was this and ye i do s*ck willy
Thoughts on me?? (even though u dont no me) hehe x Laura_xoxo
your pretty niceee and ye :D tehehehe
Chickens or Turtles - Caleb :D
Hi trav, it's me Cam
What school do u go to?
do u go 2 prendi?? if u do then who do u hang out with at lunch and shi*t??
I dont go to prendiville
Fav movie?
Fav music?
fav movie 21 jump street
fav music DUBSTEP!!!!! FTW
Please ask me!
Btw what's your favorite sport? Zoe.Ostler
footy and i like athletics
Can you please send me some questions?
but i need the adress
Do you send yourself questions?
ye if im bored
u mad?
no who asked this?
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
im gay
Who are you dating currently
Describe yourself in 3 words?
funny,athletic,trustful,good friend