hottest year 8 and year 9 ?
Taylah, codiee.
why are you a inconsiderate Dic*head to everyone but your friends and f*** you. You stupid **** as* Bit**
Cool as man
Who do you miss most from edi primary?
Lots of people
hottest girls you know?
codie is cool
She is great
Why do you hate Jacob
favourite girl atm
Caity or codie.
thoughts on e herat
Shes pretty perf.
Someone told me you hate Jacob
Why would i hate jacob? I love jacob.
Fav year 8's
Azza, jade, taylah, i dunno.
thoughts on James got, caitlyn russell, georga langers, kay munn, ben graham
They are all pretty amazing.
why's everyone getting to angry? I'm just saying the truth. she's a chat Bit**
She really isnt.
Whoever that person is saying the rude shi* about caity, I'm going to find you and cut off your head. Love from Codie
Me too.
Whoever the stupid f*** is below saying that caity is disgusting you need to be smacked in the face you Dic*head.
I swear some people are so rude.
she's chat as, ugly mutt. you could do better
Lel, wrong. I dare you to try and find a better bestfriend.
she's ugly. you could get a better bestfriend.
Well shes not, and you could get some f***ing manners.
ew, she's actually disgusting.
Well thats pretty f***ing rude. She happens to be my bestfriend m8.
was caity neighbour your valentine?
Yeah man.
Did you and Jackie have se*?
Haha no.
Fav chick in your clas* ?
Emily and jess, yeah.
top 10 prettiest girls in your yr level x0x
Codie, codie, codie,codie codie codie codiecodiecodiecodiecodie.
5 prettiest girls in your year level? x
Codie, kayla, caity, jessi, amy.
Top 10 nicest girls in your yr level
Lol, there isn't even 10.
Do you answer all your questions?
Yeah man
once apon a time i wrote this stupid story and wasted 35 seconds of my life, the end mudda f***a
And they lived happily ever after.
Thoughts on jessi stone ?
Lav her too bitz <3 xo
So.... you fingered Georgia and Kayla at Kalvins? Do they both no About this? Otherwise I'll have to tell them myself!
hahah wtf i didnt finger anyone!
thought on ruby and her friend the new girl yeh dont know her nammz
Kewl i guess
Thoughts on Joe Cox?
I like joe, his kewl \m/
thoughts on kelly brambz
Shes cuutee :3 and tall :3 great gal overall
As if you fingered kayla at Kalvins. Ewww
Where do people get this shi* from?
Jackie told me you fisted her b*m whole while face f***ing her, is this true?
get me some food, preferably the cake
Who do you think is a lesbian at your school, in your year level???
Haha they know who they are :3
Thoughts on Kay munn
closest friends right now?
I dunno
trav is cooool
Haah thanks
Did you fist jackie?
Hahaha no!
stay strong trav travalacious -cownips x
Hahaha aww
What was the last thing u cleaned?
My room
69ner with jemima
what? Yeah you got the 69th reply btw.
Know any lesbians?? They r h.o.t
Your actaully so f***ing hot, just, f*** me already
hahaha okay.
iremember your hair
thin and blonde? hahahah :)
thougghts on ruby k
top chick
thoughts on Jessie smith
dont know her welll :(
hottest girls at parky
i dont know
thoughts on jade and taylah
you have to choose one friend. the best one. and why you chose them. only one
Caity, because shes always been my bestfriend.
thoughts on that codie croft kid, this isnt codie croft
Oh sure, shes the best. Shes always willing to help, and shes coote
one person. you best person. friend
seriously m8. make some more friends..?
top 10 hottest girls ya know
Kay, sarah, tayla, talah, kristy, jademz, caity, shandi, georga, mila kunis.
someone you love, someone you hate and someone you would marry (all girls)
Kay, dunno, caity.
top 10 prettiest girls year 8 mordi xo
I dont think i can name 10 :(
Kay, georga, caity, codie, shandi
travis gayrrad wtf haha wow you r da sxy boi luv mi babe
favroute year 7`s from this year? list 5
um, jade, taylah, umm i dont know anymore.
y do you love kalvin so much?
because his a good kid :)
r u gay
cause ur gay
who needs English.
few hot people in each year level?
taylah mclean. kay munn. tayla b.
no 1 likes u
neither does your English teacher. BAM.
have you ever inserted watermelon into your an**, because i heard you did at kalvins house
Shh dont tell anyone.
thoughts on Emily Dukeey :3
She perf
your number one girl in all the world?
Umm my mum.
Wow i have alot, ben, caity, kay, kalv, james gott ect
thoughts on the four yr nine girls that you hang with mordi
Im guessing you mean, kristy, sarah, elise and tayla? umm they are all godesses. like the most atractive people ever.
thoughts on the chicks you said just below
Kayla; just perfect
Georga; amazing personality and body ( .Y. )
Caity; shes been by bestfriend since year 7
shandi; can be rude but amazing
And codie; all of the above times 100
year 8 (hottest chicks at mordi)
I have answered this like 3 times
3 hottest chicks in yr 8 at mordi.
Kayla, georga, caity and shandi.
Thoughts on Ben Graham's purple headed yoghurt thrower?
Yr 8
Umm kayla, shandi, georga, caity, codie ect
you're lying, you hate me
I know something you dont know I know and it's pretty funny and you would never guess who I am cause we never talk hardly sometimes in person but yeah it's pretty funny
okay cool.
hottest chicks at mordi
what year level?
Your so PERF arghhhh.
Love me please <3
Thoughts on Ben Graham's meat missile?
large, thick and juicy.
You would get in with your sisters friends?
lol no :)
Hottest girls at mentone girl sec in your own year level
I dont know many :)
But some of my sisters friends are okay.
this isn't jade ;) j.ade
oh yeah
who do you dislike in your year level ?
i dont dislike anyone :/
You're a f***ing idiot trav, sooo many people hate you
yeah i know.
best 3 chicks mordi
codie, kayla, caity!
Thoughts on Alex Dillon?
great kid
Who do you like atm?
And why? ;)
a person :)
Mc fannyflaps
at your service