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Ask me anything you like anonymously

45 Replies

How much do you have in your bank account ?


trevormichaeI replied 3002 days ago

What do you think about the most ?

Crystal, tbh. I love her little A$$.

trevormichaeI replied 3006 days ago

What are you good at ?

Rambling incessantly.

trevormichaeI replied 3015 days ago

What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?


Just kidding. I'd definitely make sure all the people in my life knew how much I loved them, and makeout with Juliet a lot.

trevormichaeI replied 3095 days ago

Who is someone you've always wanted to fake, but haven't because they're too "mainstream"?

Uhh... I'm not sure. I've kind of done all the mainstream people that I like.

trevormichaeI replied 3095 days ago

I saw before that you like Real Friends? Would you ever fake one of them because I always wish that someone would

I'm not as into them as I'd like to be in order to fake one of the members but it's possible I could be!

trevormichaeI replied 3095 days ago

Who is your favorite person and why?

My girl, hands down. She's my best friend in the whole entire world, and she knows better than I do what I need, sometimes (all the time). No one has ever loved me harder, treated me more kindly, or completed me so well. She's not just my favorite person, she's my favorite everything. My favorite good morning, my favorite good night, and everything else in between. I love her more than words can say.

trevormichaeI replied 3097 days ago

What does your name mean ?

"Scottish Meaning: The name Jackson is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Jackson is: God has been gracious; has shown favor. Based on John or Jacques.
Jackson name." That's what Google told me!

trevormichaeI replied 3100 days ago

How did you meet Crystal? How long have you know each other for?

I met Crystal in May of 2014. Famously, she replied to a tweet about how much I couldn't stand my ex-girlfriend, and I always tease her because it seems like she's hitting on me but she wasn't, at least not yet. ?

trevormichaeI replied 3100 days ago

Ton of feelings? Now I'm curious about the long answer.

Every time I've been in that situation, I've been screwed over or something similar. So, I'm electing to not put myself through that again. For the record, any amount of feelings is a "ton," for me.

trevormichaeI replied 3100 days ago

Would you ever date someone from FL in RL?

I have a ton of feelings about this, and I've been here a long time. The short answer: probably not.

trevormichaeI replied 3102 days ago

What makes you instantly hate someone?

I'm turned off by rudeness, immaturity, and overdramatic people, but I don't know if I necessarily instantly hate someone.

trevormichaeI replied 3115 days ago

What do you consider to be the worst things to RP? (in a most tedious or boring sense)

Since Crys said driving... Going to sleep at night, especially if you don't actually go to sleep. Or watching a movie; it's worse if it's one you haven't seen. Like, what do you say? "*movie plays in background*?"

trevormichaeI replied 3115 days ago

What's the last thing you ate?

Some milk duds. #addicted

trevormichaeI replied 3122 days ago

Why are you ignoring the person you're ignoring right now?

M'not ignoring anyone.

trevormichaeI replied 3123 days ago