Ask me anything you like anonymously

165 Replies

Excuse me, are you a KFC a worker? Because you're so good.

Ooooo. SMOOTH. Want to go FLUNCH one day?

trishhia replied 3562 days ago 1

Trash and Rubbish Binzzzz


trishhia replied 3566 days ago

What one thing do you want the other person to do that would fix things between you?


trishhia replied 3566 days ago

who are you in a relationship with? (there are three answers, obviously) :P HAHAHAHAHAHA jaydelizzie

no one. ;) (You, Tanya & idk.) AHAHAHAHAHAHA.

trishhia replied 3572 days ago

Who are you dating?

no one?

trishhia replied 3764 days ago

What freaks you out ?


trishhia replied 3791 days ago

Who do you miss right now?

I miss those friends who I use to be so close to last year. And my friends & family in the Philippines, because every end of March we would always go there. And well it ain't happening this year

trishhia replied 3931 days ago

hook up with mi @ da bluza

really, really.. no

trishhia replied 3946 days ago

What do you want to do when you finish school?

Don't really know...

trishhia replied 3969 days ago

Hey trishia :p Rhiannongage

Hi Rhiannon :p

trishhia replied 3969 days ago

What is your mother's name?


trishhia replied 3969 days ago

What would you like to ask God?

If he would guide me through everything..

trishhia replied 3979 days ago

Who do you like?

No one.

trishhia replied 3979 days ago

One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?

I can't even type it on here so.., "I ain't brave enough to"

trishhia replied 4032 days ago

why are you isolating yourself for two weeks?

because I'm going to treated with radio iodine with my hyperthyroidism to knock my thyroid glands.. but I went to the doctor today, & he said I don't need to because my results were good. but I only have to watch out for a few days & try to avoid contact with people for a few hours.

trishhia replied 4034 days ago