Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Ooh geez um 1. I'm left handed (; 2. I sometimes count everything around me ahaha I'm so weird :/ 3. Netballs my life! I dedicate my life to it! 4. I absolutely hate feet! There gross :/ 5. I can be a very out going person I've been told and a bit of a Diva -_-
love you too x
Thanks. Means alot.
Nothing! Why do you think that?
Holly! Or faith :)
Nah I can't be bothered!
Yeah I guess so it depends
Nope, he's all maddison's (:
I'm year 9 lol year 10 soon (; and I go to Cghs ( Christchurch Girls' High school) ...
Yes heaps.
Answered this so many times but Anders, Amelia, Hiria and Kendall x x x
Laugh ofc.
Um can you please tell me who you are?
Oh why thank you anon I try my best.
Oh thanks
HAHAHAHAH OMG. We talk about weird things tbh. But mostly boys, sloths and yams ;) #so #normal
tylas_fabxoxoxx add me
Yes #singleandproud
Have no clue ask him!
No because I don't know who you are? Lol
Thank you!x x x
For the last time no.
Nope busy studying for exams
No! I'm to busy trying to study with exams sorry
Amelia probably
Thank you x x x
I've answered this many many times but if this is him then I'm sick of this I'm sick of all your bull**** honestly you lied to me it's unfair I'm honestly so upset I've been crying and feeling miserable for so long and yet you don't understand. You've changed to be completely honest you've have changed from such a sweet lovely guy who always looked out from me to a real prick and idiot who seems like he doesn't care about my feelings honestly asher you've hurt me so badly and I've gave you so many chances and you've blew them all I've lost all trust in you and I don't even know if I can consider you someone who I trust anymore I trusted you with my whole life and you just blew it I don't think you'll ever understand how much you've hurt me and I'll never forgive you for that sorry.
No I'm not okay but thank you! Who told you?
She is! Who said she wasn't? She will always be my best friend! She's to important to me to not call her my best friend she's helped me through so much and I honestly don't know what I would do with out her
I'm far from it! But thankyou! (:
What the ****?
Layla x x x
I can like who I want thanks deal with it.
Something that's just happened :/
Geez could take ages! Tyty can you come with me to the canteen? I've buggered me foot *has really bad back pains* I think i need to go to the sick bay me backs hurting Guess who we have on monday? Mrs Jones I hope that teacher doesn't sit at the back with us ew We have dm today ew Dirty get it away I'm Dead Are you bussing? I can't take this anymore *makes weird noises* Andrey thinks he owns me omg. Haha there's so much more ily x
Love you Amelia thankyou means so much <3
We had big day out or something and we had to compete in events against different classes ahahah! We also had to come dressed up so half of my class dressed up as hawaiians and the other half was americans or something and yeah that's probably the only entertanning thing today!
Oh yes i have one big regret right now.
Aw love you too x x x
I'm not sure anon :)
Okay umh not in any order but Hiria Amelia Anders Kendall Georgia Claudia Olivia Holly Ashlee Jemma There's so many more but I can only name 10 :/
Hmm people in my form class! Or holly can't really think right now!
Snapchat! Add me- tylas_fabxoxoxx
I love them all! But if I had to pick a favourite I'd probably say luke or calum :)
My dreams I guess.
Uh yeah I can't really do like exercise using machines because of my heart but I find other ways to stay fit and stuff
My music teacher! Asdfghjkl he pisses me off!
Aw I bet you are! :) xxx
Hm I'm not sure not at this stage because I'm to busy with exams but possibly will after exams :)
Not in any order but 1. Layla 2. Casey 3. Georgia R 4. Olivia M 5. Jemma x
Aw! I bet you are!
Why does it concern you?
Answered this so many times but Best friends- Amelia, Hiria, Maddie, Georgia, Claudia, Olivia and Anders then I have close friends like Kendall, Libby and others :)
Geez. Okay well on Saturday I woke up at about just after 9 and I had breakfast listened to music and got ready and at about just after 11 Kendall came over and we went to the mall and had lunch and went looking for stuff for my pink day at school we went home and just went on facebook and stuff at about 5:30 we went out got dinner and movies and at like 7:30 we watched movies and just talked and had a massive talk on ..... And yeah stayed up till pretty late (; then on sunday we just stayed at home and like nearly caught the house on fire! Hahah then I went to the mall with mum came home and fell asleep then went out to dads friends house came home at like 10:45pm and yeah hby? :)
Mostly people in my form class!
Well she just got really rude to Shania and I was sticking up for Shania and just told Jaimee Lee to be a bit more mature and all.
She's really lovely! Super kind! Told her quite a bit of things! She's very trust worthy and kind and has a bubbly personality :) xxx
Aw aw aw! This actual means alot! Thank you who ever you are! Made my night! Especially because I miss Niall and love him xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fine but this is the only time I'm explaining it. Well things were fine until the last week of the school term last term and he just confused me and we were okay in the first week of the school holidays but I won't go into detail of what happened but it left me in tears and it's almost been a month of me being upset over him. And now it's just like whenever I talk to him I always get frustrated and angry at him and he would have done nothing wrong it's just I got really stressed and now we fight all the time then we will make up but then we will fight again. It's all so complicated and it has been ever since we went out like before we went out was when I enjoyed it the most but I never knew I was gonna be so upset over him for this long it's just shocking and it annoys me and irritates me so much.
Aw hey :)
Super lovely! Such a mint personality! Super friendly too! We are quite close now! It's great! She tells me everything! She absolutely doesn't deserve the hate she gets even when she's going through such a rough time it's not fair! Stay strong Jahna always here if you need me!x
Ha gay! (;
Ain't nobody got time for that
Aw! I bet that's you anon
If there ever comes a day when we can't be together Keep me in your heart I'll stay there forever... - Winnie The Pooh
I'm not completely sure how I've changed but please message me on facebook telling me how I have that would be good thanks(:
My best friend! She means so much to me glad shes my best friend but I feel like I'm losing her tbh but other than that we are best friends miss her a lot though x x x
Chocolate ofc or pizza mmmm <3
Love her! Had a great time last week we had so much fun catching up and staying up till early hours of the morning aw I loved it! I trust her with everything and anything it was great had a 2 and a half hour talk at like 1am it was amazing! Super stunning known her for 9 years!xxx
Oh she's fabulous! Having such a great time with her! I trust her with absolutely everything she's super lovely we are so close again! One of my closest friends and I love her so much aw xxxxxxxxx
Don't go there Amelia
Asdfghjkl hi amelia
I have heaps! To many to name plus I have heaps of close friends
None of your business
Haha righto I like how you are my best friend i like how we are on the phone right now we get along so well! Super creepy how our mums have the same name and middle name! Omg you are such a f**atron! We have so many personal jokes and that's enough cause you didn't make mine long. Fu. #xfactoryeye hehe iloveyouatrilly <3
He's such a lovely guy! Had our funny moments last year! Such a mint personality and quite funny :) have alot of private jokes hahahah
I'm sorry but no one 'owns' me except Niall and Luke....
Hahahah omg! This kinda made me laugh sorry! But you shouldn't be jealous honestly!
I don't know not really looking for a boyfriend at this stage.
That's a hard one! Probably poppa and .....
Oh why thankyou
Oooh! Umh Amelia, Kendall, Hiria, Anders, Hannah A, Jess Crawford, Asher... umh can't think off the top of my head right now hahah :)
Georgie, Claudie, Liv, Jahna, Kahu, Libby, Hayley, Zoe there's heaps more but I can't think of the top of my head :)
Honestly don't be!
tylas_fabxoxoxx add me :)
Enough with the asher questions! Seriously and I'm not ready to date anyone.
Luke Hemmings x x x x x x x x
I have no clue!