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Ask something. I know you want to be nosy.

16 Replies

What makes your life worth living?

This is so easy. Josh. He makes everything worth it. He makes getting up in the mornings a lot easier, he keeps me calm and knows how to help. He makes each day better to get through, he makes things that seemed hard to do a lot easier, he just changes everything for the better and I don't know what I'd do without that guy. He makes everything worth it. I do absolutely /everything/ with him and I wouldn't change that for the world.

tylerrjoseph replied 3002 days ago

You could do so much better

And you could shut the fck up? I don't want "better", he's everything in my eyes. So get gone.

tylerrjoseph replied 3003 days ago


Yeah, might do.

tylerrjoseph replied 3003 days ago

He doesn't love you.


tylerrjoseph replied 3003 days ago

Why is he even with you? He could do so much better.

You're probably right, he probably could. But he chose me.

tylerrjoseph replied 3003 days ago

Josh is a sht boyfriend. You should break up.

I don't want to break up with him. So basically what you should do is mind your own business and find something better to do because trying to tell me what I should do with my life isn't gonna happen, live your own.

tylerrjoseph replied 3003 days ago

What's an instant turn off for you?

the tb saga

tylerrjoseph replied 3011 days ago

u & josh r so cute. goals af

thank you :( he's the cute one though

tylerrjoseph replied 3014 days ago

r u & josh dating

no, but hey what's is to ya

tylerrjoseph replied 3014 days ago

You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?

buy lots and lots of tacobell and spoil the hell outta josh

tylerrjoseph replied 3014 days ago 1

Money or Loyalty ?


tylerrjoseph replied 3015 days ago

Thoughts on toast boy?

I HAVE ONLY JUST GOT WHAT THIS MEANS. I was like??? Toast boy??? It took me awhile. But yeah, I totally love toast boy. He's my favourite boy. I just wish that people were better to him, he deserves the best. I also really miss him right now, like fren I wanna cuddle. But anyway, toast boy cheers me up constantly and I always wait for the moment that he comes back around, that's a pretty massive part of my day. I also get pretty sad when he's not around? He comes up with the best things and knows how to deal with me and support me when I'm not in the right frame of mind. I love Jish.

tylerrjoseph replied 3015 days ago



tylerrjoseph replied 3016 days ago

I hope you're sleeping well!!! I miss you alright!!

This is too cute. It's nice to wake up to little things like this. I love it. I'm awake now! I slept okayish, but I wish I could sleep more.

tylerrjoseph replied 3017 days ago

The last lie you told ?

I was going to write "I'm fine", but that way way too emo.

tylerrjoseph replied 3017 days ago