How do you feel about the hole guiliana thing?
What is your biggest fear?
Jesus fu.cking christ calm down! We all know its happening so stop denying it
Theres nothing going on.. SO **** OFF YOU ****ING DUMB ****
So if you talk to her on snapchat have you sent her anything?
Fwb is froends with benifets
No we arent
So if you guys arent dating are you FWB?
Whats that?
So if you domt talk to her on Facebook how do you talk to her?
Why are you doing **** with a year 7?
Who says that?
You and akima are so close... What the fu.ck
Yeh? You got a problem?
Saw you and Akima today ;)
You and akima are fu.cking ive hacked your fb and seen messagers
1. I dont talk to her on facebook
2. We are not ****ing!
I want you to say that you guys are fu.cking
We arent so… just **** off yer?
Hey wait a second, Why did you just get so deffensive ;) domt worry, Your secret is safe with me.
Oh my ****ing god. What the **** do you want me to say!?!
Because shes your top best friend on snapchat, I see you guys passionatly hugging at school.. Its obvious
Can u just **** off out of my business?
So you are doing **** with her ?
No im ****ing not why do you ****ing think this? Why does anyone ****ing think this?
What is your ringtone?
Freaks-Timmy trumpet
HAHAHAHA anon... Listen, you cat hate Tyson for no reason and just bully him for no reason, do it gain and I will shove a stick down your throat and swirl around all your insides and mush it together. Okay? Good. siennambrose
She will..
The most unreliable person you know ?
Haha myself
Forever alone.. That is what you are!
So what does tht make you?
You are such a wannabe and attention seeking its really annoying and I hate you for that
Dont care
Yeh or just dont bully anyone at all
Its True all you want is attention off other people that dont give a shi.t about you! Just accept it!
**** off ****!!! I swear to god if anything else ****ing happens on this gay as* ****ing website im gunna delete it because its ****ed up the as*.. People need to get a ****ing life of there own and **** off out of mine!
But it is true all you care about is looks you couldn't give a shi.t about personality, her humor or anything apart from there body.
And all you do is fish for sympathy.. Please for the sake of everybody GrOw Up!
No its not fu.cking true and who the hell said i fish for sympathy? Because i dont.. You should just stop worrying about what i think and what i do and start worrying about what you do.
What time do you sleep?
all you care about is looks and a body u can deny it all u want but its tru
wtf no. I laughed a bit when i read this XD
****ed up **** your gone
Like i said come at me with everything yourve got ****
Your ****ing piss weak ****
How would you know
Your going to miss Taya and Dannielle Aren't you?
Yeh :/
When are Taya and Dannielle leaving
End of the month
Get out of my life you Weak ****
**** off
When the Twins leave You are ****ed. you are going to be alone and Vulnerable. Watch your back.
Get ****ed **** head come at me with all you got
What freaks you out ?
Having my back to a room or a dark room.
Can money buy love?
Yes as in strippers and lap dances
What did you last dream about?
A blonde girl was in the middle of this room and she was screeming at me to help her and every step i took she got further and further away then i relised it was a friend.
What annoyed you today?
Judgy ppl
Theres sometjing between you and Taya C isn't there?
Yeh its called friend ship you should look into it
Do you like taya?
Even if i did its not ur business
Are you going out with taya c ?
Haha i wish
What wouldn't you do for a million dollars?
Is it because they are both in the illuminati ?
wtf no?
Favourite female rapper?
If i had to choose nicki minaj XD
Favourite Male rapper?
So do you want to be friends with jack again?
what is your snapchat score ?
idk 11,000
when are you free ?
next week sometime
The lamboghini
cause its a hot car
Why do you like that car so much?
what car
so your saying that your whole homr room turned on you?!
yes they did!
tbh u were bein a ***hole to those guys
Prove how i was.
Why what did they do?
Had a fight with Jack so he put screenshots on facebook, then told everyone i was the reason he moved homerooms. Then all shaun wanted to do was prove to everyone that i was in the wrong. He even tried convincing my best friend at the time that i backstab people... Thts why. oh and then everyone turned on me in the homeroom. Lost friends and everything. thts why.
Who do you hate?
tbh shaun pinto or jack lynch......
favorite song of all time?
Get loose showtek
What do you want to be when your older, do you think it will happen, why do you think it will happen and why do you want to do this for a living
I would like to be a pro DJ but i dont think it will happen tht much. and id do it for a living because i enjoy doing it. And i want a lambo
Who is Ryan to you ?
a friend
Favourite Car?
Lamborghini Aventador
What is your address ?
****ing bull**** you have like everyone nudes and say that there peoples that ain't like dude u can say oh this is that chicks nude when is not!!!
didnt really understand tht?
whose nudes do you have
No ones
So do you think its a good idea for Ryan to ask out Taya? Why or why not?
No not really cause shell say no? No offence to Ryan but i dont think anything will happen between them.
Do you like taya c
how is tht ur business
do you have tayas nude?
Thoughts on Samuel Allan in your home room
yeh his alright
what happend with you and Jack Linch
nunya he was bein a ****
Yeah but whoever they are grow some balls and inbox me Fitzy9212
yeh you should who evr it is
I'd love to find out. Fitzy9212
preety sure who evr it is is giving u ****
Like hell you'll get me to do anything, and who are you anyway!?! Fitzy9212
idk who they r man
I will laugh so hard if you're wrong but I must first convince Ryan to try to ask her out, no easy task.
Trust me im not wrong.
So are you saying that Taya C doesn't like Ryan, or that she'd only ever want to be friends with him?
Just friends
I'd laugh if you're wrong XD
Yeh im not wrong
Do you think Taya will do anything with Ryan ?
No offence to ryan but no.
Why do people say your in illuminati?
Because i was fkn around a couple of weeks ago and took a pic with my fingers making a triangle around one eye whilst the other wasnt visible. thts y..
Do you get sick of getting called a satanist
yeh i do
Who would you rather. Taya or iggy azealea
has Taya c ever sent you a nudie
Favourite set of t***
cant say
now i kno y u did that to jack. cause satan told u to
wtf jacks in the past
who mind controls you
No one
are you mind controlled
Why are people so rude on this site? It disgusts me that people write " go kill yourself" Do they know what it can do to people? Where it can lead to? People really need to thnk about their words before something terrible happens...
yeh i kno ****s fkd..
are you going to admit you are in illuminati?
No im not admitting anything
I told you to stay away from Taya and you didnt listen so now your ****ed!
wtf who r u
how does illuminati work
ppl sell their soul to satan in order to get fame but if they dont do what he wants they die
ever heard of bafomet
yeh go to your ruler
nah im alright
I hope you go to hell you satanist!
i dont
A super power you wish you had?
To stop time so that i can be the only person that can move
Why are you getting so much hate!! Be nice to Tyson! :)
i kno yeh hahahaha
You think your boss ****
nah i dont
Saw you in the library today and you were taking a photo with one eye coverd. Care to explain cough cough illuminati
Not sayin anything
Do you like Taya ? She's mine stay away from her !
da fuq