Which people make your days?
person* .
Answer: Courteney
The secret to a good friendship is... ?
Duuuuuuudde???? guess who I just saw??????
When did you last masterbait
Every single day is masterbaition???
Okay you have to give me your qooh profile picture. Maka just looks so cute. I guess every Maka is ????. Haha jk?
????? OK sistaa
Manu is mine
Kwana semari yebhazi
Manu and me
Not manu and you
It just doesn't work so yeah we're better together . Just accept it
Manu + Maka = Maka
Maka+ Manu = Manu
Still ?????
We belong to each other
Are you sure? Maka I will kill you?✨
Sistaaa, hawayu tudeyi
I'm gooder brothaaa?
What are you bad at ?
Being nice to certain people (Noma???) and apologising
sha, computers is so fun rue_dho
Rudo ka, uchadzingwa kunge Courteney
What is one thing you know if you stopped doing, you would save so much money?
Been mending broken hearts for over 10years???
What's our maths h/w?
Ahh jack, we had homework??
What is something you need to get off your chest?
I. Am. An. Undercover. Spy. Unicorn??
What is on your mind?
Food ?????
You are such a *****, I heard that you have more than 25 husbands
Still 25 more than you??
Does he learn at a boarding school in Mutare
He doesn't even live in Zim anymore
Your crush?
If you knew me, you would know. Unless you are 'unicorn hater' by which I'll never tell you
Stutnpidtn girtnl
Look who's talking???
Your jokes are dry like the Sahara
Courteney ka???
Leave my boyfriend , Ricky alone btch. He doesn't like u and he never will so stop trying to steal him from me ?????
Woah ✋? chill. Me and Ricky are just friends. I've known him since grade 1. If u have a problem with me being friends with him, deal with it.
Plus are you sure, you and Ricky are dating because I can't believe he lowered his standards this much to date a girl like you??????
Who's Ricky to you?
My friend
A hater of unicorns ( to my dismay??)
Are you dating Ricky??
Why are you happy today?
Because I am high on oxygen ?
I don't remember us agreeing on that one ??❤
who's your least favorite person in too ist?
2nd row from the window
4th person from the back
Likes to stare at my CO² all wierdly (the struggle of having b**ty-full friends)
I'm just there like, I know my friend's b**tyful but stop staring, its rude??
Haunyare kutoda kundi'exposer' manje I know 'P' ?
screw you Nyarshall?????
Courtney ?????❤❤?
What's was the last lie you ever told?
I'm okay?
Nyasha Alexis Ngarande
Who's that????
Who would send u roses? ???
My grandma ☺☺?
What is a waste of money to you?
Useless stuff
Rak mak mak ??
Awww I love me too??????
You,me, village on saturday
?? I'm sorry but I'm already booked for Saturday
Its gonna be me, Timoti, Monika and a warm glass of MILO??
Only people in my shona class will get this
What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?
Major tazor?
Whats that :)
How old are you
Choose the age u want
ryan gossling or COURTENEY??❤
Plus u cant compare trash to diamonds
So COURTENEY obviously wins
I know who this is ;)
Which word have you started using a lot lately ?
Doom you
favourite author??
J.K Rowling
Courteney is hot bruh????
My Courteney?? Haa no u must be joking ???
Call her beautiful not hot. She's a girl not a temperature
What is your New Year's resolution?
To DOOM nhunzis ?☺?☺
It depends on whose asking ?
Talexis???ah yah. Told you so it really works....pineapple
Maka/Cortina ?????
Ryan Gosling vs Ryan Reynolds
I root for Reynolds though
Gosling all the way
But they r both ???
Why do you call yourself pineapple
Because I wear a ? on my head just like a pineapple. Plus I'm sweet on the inside buh on the outside I look mean. Even though I'm really short. ?? Pineapple for life
How much do you have in your bank account ?
Enough bond notes to last me a week
What do you think about the most ?
Food specifically chocolate ?
If you could reach into any movie and pull something out, what would you take?
Food, Ryan Gosling, Channing Tatum and chocolate ?
Talexis ;)
Courtney mhen just stop ?????
Screw you Courtney ???
What are you sick and tired of?
You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?
Buy myself the latest car and a private jet and then hire a pilot and my own personal driver.
How did you meet your best friend ?
We just started talking