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When I'm angry two things can happen. The most common one is for me to suffocate it, and swallow the anger, so its just simmering below the surface. The other possibility is that it'll explode and I'll just scream at whatever made me angry, and try to get them to see my point. Never works.
And on the other point, I have no idea. I'd like to change my name, as I don't like the one I have, but I don't know what I'd change it to.
The huge population.The number of people on this earth has created some mas*ive problems for us. Huge amounts of people cause living space issues, resource issues, pollutions of all sorts, rising temperatures, species of creaturesbecoming extinct, and soon. If there were a way of easily controlling the populatio, then I;'d like todo that. Ever read the book Violence 101? There is an idea in there about it that I think is fantastic.Go find it, tell me if you agree.
Probably my past. I don't like who I used to be very much.
I don't think I'd be paying much attention to whether it's cannibalism or not. That is one helluva kitty, if it can bring down a lion.
Absolutely nothing! PARTAY. It's so fabulous, you don't even know.
uhm. Probs just going t miss it as I'll be still sitting on Tumblr
absolutely nothing, I'm j chillin, its pretty sweet actually
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. THis is really hugely appreciated, thank you! I'm now extending this same sentiment towards you!
Hmmmm. Depends on what you're meaning by part. If you mean my physical self, then probably that little bone that sticks out on the outside of the wrist. But if you mean my mental self/personality, then probably the fact that I actually like who I am. I'm comfortable with myself which really shouldn't be such a big thing but it is.