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Honestly, it would be a girl named Mr. Mittens
tots... (if it's a guy)
ill inbox you that name as well
ill inbox you the name
Shoppers drug mart
No yo beautiful anonymous! Anonymous is a really pretty name by the way
Not all my mollars, but the rest-- yeah
Yeah.. So I could know I did every single thing I've ever wanted to do in my life
Yeah, so I can rub it in Kristin Stewarts face that maybe if she smiled every once in a while shed the be the only one cheating in the relationship *oooohh*
Ive had scene it Disney juniour since I was 5 and it's pretty rockin
The Game of Life
I forget what its called
Nimon.. long story why
idk.. i dunno there names
Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. Holdsworth
Little Things- it wasnt meant to be played on piano but im figuring it out
Ed Sheeran, same :D
The Drama Lama video was in the most viewed and i watched it but didnt watch another and then my sister showed me some of his vids later and i started watching.. idk bout amazingphil
playing soccer in the rain is fun and dancing in the rain is fun and so is swimming :) so ya my three fav sports outside.. Or sing in the rain.. Staying inside is for chumps
Harveys makes my hamburger a beautiful thing
none of them.. sowwy
Harry Potter fo shizzle but i love them both
Coke tastes better, but Pepsi cuz they have the best ad of eternity
The blue flavour of Jones but I dont think that'd go down well with the honeydew ;)
Honeydew cuz its yummy and healthy :)
Silver City. Rainbow Cinemas is crap
Both :)
England! :D It's where danisnotonfire and amazingphil live so, that takes all
Good, and Superman
Free the Children cuz they're good and stuff
The cancer zodiac isnt an issue! Lol
Well, here's my logic. One way to get Cancer is to eat too much food, therefore if I were to cure world hunger, which is a large issue, the amount of cancer patients would go way up, due to everyone eating.. so Cancer. Plus, some of my family members died from Cancer so.. ya.
all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth lol
I want One Direction.
Probly Neon Trees
Little Things (when it comes out)
Best Thing I Never Had
Love on Top
Oh! Darlin
I think you already have the rest already on your iPod
Mountain Dew!!
Hedley :)
No response. Obviously you havent seen a picture of him
Juicy Fruit
Obama.. we can yell about how we support gay marriage and abortions while we`re doing it
Jacob Hoggard FTW! lol im listening to I Wont Let You Go right now
No Frills is funner to play tag with Alexis in..
Uggs.. cuz they have a funny name
Evergreen forevs!
I`ve never talked to either of them... but Keenan threatened to pull me over if i didnt slow down walking down the hall..
Racism is a growing issue in Canada and around the world, Irene
Pizza Hut.. I guess
What the hell is Black Forest Cake
lol i was just writing a story about a guy nameed Josh.. I know a lot of people named Josh.. i like the name i guess
Bell, they have good ads
Sleep Country, where else?
I was just asking myself the same question. Both of them had dissapeared for like a month and then last week I saw them both. But, yesterday I saw two hermit crab limbs on the dirt... cannibal hermit crabs? lmao true story
Dolphins and ligers :) lol
Yoouttuuuube! FTW
I'd be rainbow chocolate chip, and you would eat me, cuz food is your favourite thing in the wordl
Glee! Cause I love it and it'd be fun to sing and meet the actors and stuff
It'd be a dolphin or monkey and I'd name the dolphin something hipster and the monkey something Spanish
It changes everyday :P but the best songs of iternity are Best Thing I Never Had, Little Things, and Old School
Tyler Oakley and Danisnotonfire. Oh and I also love dailygrace
Good question, good question...? Lady Speed Stick
Music, Art, and English
Louis and Liam :) <3 oh and Harry, Zayn, and Niall
Fav songs: Anything by One Direction, The Beatles, Ed Sheeran, and Beyonce cuz theyre all amaaazing. Especially Little Things, Best Thing I Never Had, and Oh! Darlin
Least fav Songs: Anything by Britteny Spears I am guarenteed to despise.
k watch a tyler oakley video called "sit on my face" those are my answers.