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30 Replies

Why are u always so moods and u always take it out on tylor like serious u got a good guy there any its hard to find someone like him don't f*** it up again like u did last time. Cuz there is so much u can take stop shutting him down

Oh I'm sorry, how about you just mind your own business and I think you need to learn how to spell, don't sit there and tell me I f***ed up my relationship last time okay.. And how do I "shut him down?" Leave me and him alone. :)

vanessacoppa replied 4510 days ago

yo i swear to god if i see something like this again about my sister or telling my sisters to go kill themselves ill honestly call the cops and get your computer ip addressed and charge you .. you immature little f*** get something better to do during your day joeycoppa

No kidding..... Seriously

vanessacoppa replied 4522 days ago

one thing i have to say , your sister is huge Bit** and a ****. you need a new sister:p

one thing i have to say, your beyond disrespectful and a ****. Talk about someone else\'s sister, because she is only that way if your the same way back.. she stands up for herself. Dont ever say that about her again.

vanessacoppa replied 4523 days ago

LOLIL shut the f*** up you immature ignorant f***s. LOL tylor wouldn't cheat on her ahhhhh Vanessaa it's funny eh ;)

i know exactly who this is<3 its beyonnd funny :) people don't have anything else to do with their lives. love youuuu xoxox

vanessacoppa replied 4541 days ago

Tylor worked very hard to get vanessa back they have been threw alot together but they meant for each other tylor wouldn\'t be stupid to go and ruin there realationship by cheating if u have the balls why don\'t u say who u and who he has been with

that is true. Thank you<3

vanessacoppa replied 4541 days ago

you guys talking in my room is annoying please quiet down;) joeycoppa

LOL no youuuuuuu

vanessacoppa replied 4541 days ago

Follow ur heart.


vanessacoppa replied 4541 days ago

I'm writing this on here because I do feel bad. He does cheat on u with my close friend witch is why I won't tell u who or who I am but they haven't had se* but they have met up a few times

lmfao keep talking shi*, because ive been with him for almost 2 weeks... not even breaks, Like i said he works full time

vanessacoppa replied 4541 days ago

Your family is cute :)

Thank you :$

vanessacoppa replied 4544 days ago

I think you r a nice girl! & deserve much better :)

aw thanks :) and im happy with him :)

vanessacoppa replied 4544 days ago

Don't let him cheat on u


vanessacoppa replied 4544 days ago

Tylor f***ed another girl.. And hooks up with another girl all the time

lmfao... your pathetic, im with him ALL the time, and literally theres NO way he hooks up with girls because he works full time and im with him for the rest of his time.. Find somewhere else to cause pointless problems.

vanessacoppa replied 4544 days ago

Ur a pretty girl .

thank you!!

vanessacoppa replied 4548 days ago

Whos upset the most in your family? and why?

My sister, and because people are disrespectful always bringing her down with hurtful words.

vanessacoppa replied 4550 days ago

Your beyond beautiful<3

thank you :$

vanessacoppa replied 4550 days ago