How long would you like to live for?
120.... Years if I'm not ill
What turns you off in a girl/guy ?
If they smoke! Hate it...
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
#*****i girls....*
How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
Don't know *... Why don't u tell me*!?
The most boring person you know?
My math teacher!!!!........ #LOL...
Who would you take a bullet for?
My best friend #QUINTIS*...
The best movie so far in 2014?
As jy sing* ♡
How was your first kiss like ?
Amazing :D*.....
Who do you miss right now?
My best friend #Quintis*......
What is your favorite piece of clothing?
My short jeans* ;)
Heyyy guess who ...:P
Who??.... ;)
Heyy vicky ds weer nayQii..:P
Wil net se ek liefies jw bja vicky al is ons vriendinne en ons sien mekaar so min ...u are always close 2 my heart...love u MaatQii
Baie danQ maaiQiii* liefies juw oooK* ... Ons moet plan maak om we te kuier* ;;)
Wie is jou beste vriendin
Ambre nell*
Ek wil jou ....
J wil my.....?
Love jy jou ouers
What bores you about people ?
If they are the on their phone when I talk to them!!*
Is jy nog n virgin??
WTF..... En ja...
Heyyy Vicky ....ds nyQii hier
Mis jw rgr bja
DanQ nyQii ...* mis juw die meeste*
So you lesbian :)
Uhm me lesbian!!!!! ....... Think twice cuase I don't think so...
Your father's name?
How did u lose your virginity
How did u lose your virginity
I love being weird*!!! ;)
If you want give me your bbm pin and I'll send you a pic that should make you remember
I will give you a hint, if you remember you're awesome, of you don't, me telling you who I am won't help.
Do you remember a Girl named Robyn Gouws?
I accepted that, but even to this day, about 5 years later I still think about you every day. I hope you are happy where you are. I miss you and I love you
Who are u*???.... Plz tell me*!!!
You probably won't even remember me but we went to school together when we were younger. You then got moved to a different school and I never got the chance to say goodbye, ever since I've known you I've really liked you but you never felt the same.
Maybe I remember if you tell me who you are*!!!! Find my on facebook*!!!..... Plz
Wie Is jou hero
GOD!!!!! Hy sal en kan alles vir jou doen*!!!
Your source of happiness?
To have that awesome "selfie time" with your best friend #Y
Watse cartoon sal jy wees as jy enige cartoon kon wees
Wi is j om vir my te se ek is n HOER!!!! En dan het j ook ni die guts om dit in my gesig te doeni ooooo jinne as ek net weet wi j is* :P ouch gan jou woorde wees
Val van n brug af asb
Uhm word groot dan sal ek dit doen!!!.....
Wat is ju grootste vrees
Om my vriende en fam te verloor...
Wie is ju BFF
#ambre nell
Mis ju ongelooflik baiie..
Jy het geen idee nie
Weet net daar is nie n dag wat verby gaan nie sonder dat ak aan ju dink nie :)
Onthou jy verdien net die beste
Lief viju oneindig
Mis juw meer * ({}) liefies juw ook* neh
Jys n baaaaaaaie oulike myciq'ii ({}) <3
Awww danQ* ping my as j my op bbm het*!!
In wie stel jy belang??
Miguel Diederiks
How much is enough money for you?
$ 100 000 000