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31 Replies

Which song describes your mood today ?


wal replied 3207 days ago

Why was Krostal crying today? Can you find out for me please!!! I need to know asap

Y dont u ask her

wal replied 3306 days ago

When you scare people it means you like them. Love you both xo

No it doesn't i scare heaps of people

wal replied 3306 days ago

Guys are u serious this needs to stop a girl and a boy should be allowed to be friends without ppl starting sht!! And grow some balls and take it off anon Madi.stole.ur.COOKIES

Thank u madi

wal replied 3306 days ago 1

I seen you scare kristal today. You grabbed her by the waste were u gonna hug her? I was next to yous lololol

What the fck i scared her how was that a hug

wal replied 3307 days ago

Guys stop! Things are good with me and Jesse!! Now we don't need you to wreck our friendship!! And STOP GETTING IN VOLVED IN OUR FRIEND SHIP FFS Kristalharbour13

Yere no sht aye

wal replied 3308 days ago 1

After the crap this has caused I think u shouldn't talk to kristal anymore

Wat sht u caused all this and im still going to be her friend no matter what so stop ok

wal replied 3309 days ago

Are things still okay with u and kristal??


wal replied 3309 days ago

I hate u and Krostal not dating. I haven't seen yous hug for ages

And who cares about u its up to us

wal replied 3310 days ago

Can everyone stop! Me and Jesse are friends! We've had enough of you low life's on anonymous starting shtt! He has a gf and I'm happy for them!! So stop, please. Kristalharbour13

Wellsaid see we have both now said it so stop

wal replied 3310 days ago 1

Okay. Just make sure she knows! I don't want to see her with another broken heart. She doesn't deserve it

Then stop staring sht and tell us who u are

wal replied 3310 days ago

If you know who these people are calling Kristal a **** and all this could you them to STOP! it's a form of bulling and they could get charged for this! So what if she likes you!Just tell them to stop or I'll take it to the cops! Jords_waetord

Idk who they are i have and i know

wal replied 3310 days ago

If u and your gf broke up. Would u date kristal??. If u got feelings for her?

Hopefully me and my gf won't break up but if we do probably not bc me and kristal are just friends

wal replied 3310 days ago

I know it's up to her. But if yo don't like her. Tell her

She knows

wal replied 3311 days ago

So would u still date caitlyn

She is one of my friends so probably not

wal replied 3311 days ago