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I'm sure many people would worship me :) send me a message on bbm. I'd like to know who you are because I have a feeling I do :D
They more like my brothers :) so don't have one
Have quite a couple pretty girls on bbm :) but not naming any :D
I think its been like 3 days now ;) hahaha
Well I don't really have much to hide and I trust most of my friends wouldn't share personal stuff on here so no :)
Whose Mia? Probably as a friend?
I'm not guessing...don't wanna make some people feel bad
If I'm wrong why would I even bother saying?
I haven't gotten to know any of the girls that well so can't say :)
Oooohh :D that's a nice one...uhmmm yes I have. Think I know who this is.
You don't get prettiest but in my opinion: Jess K, Amy Rob, Amy Koster, Savannah Reichardt, Tayla Matchett, Cayla Vahl, Milly, Savannah Wilding and all I can think of X_X
Joh ten is a lot...Jenna, Caity, Tarryn, Georgia, Amy don't really know more
If I told you it wouldn't be a secret :)
Well done :D
I don't have any best friends...
I can't really judge for myself? Other wise I'd be vain but I'd like to think I'm good :)
Shot a lot bro or if you're a girl thanks a lot
What the **** question is that/:) you're sick get help
No-one really....
If you a girl I don't mind hooking up!
You lucky this is anonymous! Haha!!! I think I wanna kill you ! Rofl
No! Who are you?!!!!!
Are you joking? Well, winter because I play rugby in it, only reason for winter, and summer! Wish it was summer all year round
I don't think I have a real crush at the moment, don't really have time for girls and their emotions, no offence if you a girl, and a celeb crush, ummm probably that girl in the movie friends with benefits, she is hot!
I actually don't know, I think its because that's the closest answer I can give you, and I'm still thinking...
Ummm don't really have one, but there is a close friend that I have been partying with which is chayse?
Ow, soRry then, I stay in fish hoek
I'm only 15 and because I don't want to, I'm not stupid like you(no offence) and probably not ready, atleast I'm admitting it
I'm a really good boy when it comes to girls, so not far, hooked up, and you? Haha jus kidding
No I am not gay :o and I do know who this is, you have asked before?
I'm guessing its just to say you there? And not trying to scare me?
I kissed a boy at a party?
No-one, I'm not loved!
Sporty, short-ish and outgoing?