Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
What the fck
Depends on what you're talking about x
Best of my life so far ❤
Beach house ??
" you should ask her to be your girlfriend now gee " ( actual words )
Courtney Farland
How my life will change now that i would out of school x
Pizza ❤
I'm pretty sure you know I'm not , so no I'm not single.
Because I'm only beginning ...
Spend it on more lottery tickets haha
My girlfriend ... movies with my girlfriend ... and food with my girlfriend
South africa ****** ******
What are you ? "Dude" ?
Hi my angel ... I mean pffft who is this ? thank you so much for popping in , my qooh me has been missing you and so have I ... I love you more baby ❤
Thanks x
My girlfriend
If I don't reply to your comment it is probably because we're not friends , thank you
Hot chocolate then coffee then tea x
Stoned paradise x
Being ignored it drives me insane , it can be in person or even on the phone , i just hate it .
By the way they rate themselves
My relationship with courtz
That some pizza's dont even have meat
Ahh thank you so much . It really does feel perfect being with her xx
Most probably sleeping
Who is this and ill send it to you ? Thanks .
What do you mean , who is this ?
Ayyyy its been forever , i cant even believe you didnt come and say hello whats with that jenziroo ???
Im not scared of stalkers , its nice to know im being looked after for once ??
No thanks .
My qooh me account
No thanks my girl is down here in durbz im no use up there ? im sure theres guys in pe . Sorry, do I know you though ? ??
Ahhhh baby of course I am , you already stole me ❤❤ - i sure she knows that now ??
Im not to sure , theres so much i could write down
Mmmm i think global warming to the extreme and lots of natural disasters will happen
Thank you ?? i will remember - your part of the fan club ??
Im sorry , but i think this is something you should talk to courtney about ?
Loosing the girl of my dreams i guess , but mainly death ??
Ummm because cause ??
Ummm thank you I guess , i dont think i can answer that ? - is that you babes ? ?
Umm correction i am already as happy as i could possibly be with courtz either way * yeah obviously i wouldnt want her always with us because everybody wants privacy with there partner and it depends on what where doing and where we are if it would be fine with kate there , but i dont see why you asking me these questions , your making a problem where there wasn't really a problem in the first place . I dont mind her being there sometimes .
Umm no not really , its not to bad . Who is this ?
Superman , because he has actually got powers , he didnt just build it , or get lucky in an accident .
That i joll to much .
I dont think i know you , and thats not a question . But thank you stranger - btw - im the lucky one , not her .
Ummm it depends on who im with i guess x
I dont really have one , but if i had to say , it would probably be austin churchill
Who could this be ❤❤ i think i got "just a little bit " of a clue ?❤
Yes i do , but i prefer to keep it a secret thanks x
Pizza duuh ?
Thats probably not a good idea , but thank you anyway
Yes . Yes i am .
I dont do drugs
Depending on where the bullet lands my sister and my girl
Snakes and spiders
Now you see me - and it was confusing