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hahahahahahaha holy shi* f*** this cracked me up!!
yo yo yo that's my name don't wear it out son
okay that'd look sick thanks bro
my car has this effect on people, I think you'll find it's the car you want to take from behind. The racing stripes are a big turn on
im not much of licker soz
no you're not a poohole I just didn't want you to start sending me muscle pictures if i called you se*y instead :) muhahahahah
yes sir it was, I saw your beautiful face in the distance and had to let you know that I love you poohole
i figured it was a 'message bomb' situation because i don't have that many friends hahahahaha
hello, is that a face?
thanks daaaaarlin
because then when people are friends with me I know it's not for my se*ay body (even though it's se*ier now, just not to you homo) and I'm a mean cushion for people chur chur
don't think my boy would be too keen for me to do that sorry, unless he's invited too?
no sorry
it's a free world enya be calm gras*hopper
is it meant to pulse like that? hit up the se*ual health clinic dude
gosh I'm really going to need to ponder the answer to this question for a long time, I'll get back to you ;)
hehe i was waiting for some hate. love that, thanks man :)
yo yo thanks dawg :) i bet you are too anonomnom