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I dont punch on with close friends.
Yeah **** happens i guess, i dunno. He went went his way i went my way. That's life!
None at this point in time, but i did prefer the gear.. Trips were good but not as exciting as gear :P
For what reason? All depends haha
Tis a hard one..., loved both but id have to say super Mario
Because why not? :)
Its a crock of fking shít, but i like death and guns, so whatever else I've got left to say will be left unsaid :)
My mum and dad love hearts, because they have the most meaning <3
Maggot for life ;)
Name some.. Exempt the typical black and white, black, jersey, red and albino :P
Dont mind stone sour they bring a great vibe :) And **** no!! No one can compare to the knot!! :D
Umm there isn't much to choose from, so.. jersey
He was my best mate, that is all
Define single haha
Cant really say, dont really know her??
Umm yeah,. Don't really know her anymore, but when i did.. I guess she was alright.. :|
Looks good, about time lol
Dont know many, but when i use to watch it, Jeff hardy was my fav haha
Probably Jenifer Aniston :P
David gasperini Jess daley Rowan williams Henge Jess archer
Mainly my dad, cant take that **** back But there is someone i miss :)
Not too many people, keeping a close group of great friends :)
I'm ok not so well though