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you are irrelevant

19 Replies

The biggest mistake you made in your life?


whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3700 days ago

Have you ever had feelings for a friend?

I don't have friends..... lel

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3702 days ago

What upsets you?

'Questions of the day' being the only questions I get

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3719 days ago

What is your weakness?

definitely an*** xxx

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3721 days ago

Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?

all of them

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3723 days ago

What is your nickname?

****. I'm not sure what it means but everyone calls me that :) xoxo

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3726 days ago

What's the truth..?

This one time I blew up a condom and put it on my head and almost sufficated

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3727 days ago 1

Lick my pussssyyy

allergic to cats :/

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3728 days ago

Chocolate ?

wHITE CHOCOLATE taste like butt. normal chocolate is good. white chocolate is UNNATURAL and rude

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3729 days ago

y u so great 4?

y m i so great 4? i dnt no. jst m.

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3729 days ago

I didn't know what to ask you. I just wanted to ask you an anonymous question.

ask me something personal so i can avoid the answer:) seems to be the way to go these days

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3729 days ago

How long would you like to live for?

tbh, I plan to be dead before Im 80

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3729 days ago

What turns you off in a girl/guy ?

When they ignore you. ****ing frustrating as ****. Not worth my time:)

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3731 days ago

Why is this ****ty site not letting me use bad words? **** **** ****

wank twat hoe butt and fornicate work:) swears make people end up in jail

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3732 days ago

To be in it
You start next week
I would like you to be in one called gina gives alfred a bj

no *ex b4 marriage soz. also couldnt ever trust someone with a name like alfred

whitechocolateisthedevil replied 3732 days ago