Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?
Nah.. I'd rather throw him with something eg. a Rock.. so he could fall down and dodge the buLlet!!!
Do you support human cloning and why or why not?
It has its positives and negatives ... But No!
Have you ever farted and blamed it on someone else?
Maybe... mabe not.. We'll never know
Hottest song right now according to you?
I don't call my songs hot , but I have many favorites...
Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?
Uhm....some idiot tried to convuse people ... Just like I'm convused now
Huw Jy vn Charlain????*
Nope ons is net vriende van l/s af ens ens ...
Inv my asb (wilco rousseau) op bbm 29CDD38B
Nee siesa muni die ou invite nie =Weird
Ken Jy vir David en Anzo Ashcroft????? En wt dink jy van hulle
Ja haha hoe ken jy hulle ..... Wie is die??
Anyone touches you Wiaan and they gonna deal with you and I... And they don't wanna know brah, they don't wanna know
Thanx brah ... Superman
Inv my asb (joshua goodchild) op bbm 2A5768F1
Moenie invite nie ..... BLY WEG!!!
Al hoekom jy wil wet of hy gay is is sodat jy vir hom kan gan
Ek se dan nou net eks nie gay nie
Weet jy wi prt ooit ou???*
Lyk dit so 0_o.?
Is jy gay???*
Nee is jy gay
Wt is jw nr
Ek wenii vra my later
Hey laaitie j'mut nu moi kk wt jy se j'prt ni so met mense groter as jy ni jy sal val
Ag kry n lewe...
Wie is joshua en wilco
Sulke weirdo's wat irirterend is
Bes dit is klein en groei aan n boom kan rooi of groen wes
Wte werk dun j'bdi hys
Te veel om te noem. ""wheww"
Is j n brood
Neee eks n mens
Hkm is j n lozer
Joshua en wilco ek weet ds julle 2
Ek dink j is j lyk sos een
Ek weet ds j
Nee be... Begin m
Ek wenii
Is j n lozer
Nee eks n "wenner"
My bynaam is klein begin met n B e groei aan n boom
Haha kom ek gee j
'n leidraad
J is n lozer
Dsi wat jw ma gister aand gese het ni
Ja net soos jy nie weet wie ek is nie
Hiso staan jw naam is anonymous
Wat is ju bbm pin
Hoekom moet ek ju se
Want j weet ni
Haha. Ek wet wie liak jy
Wat is ju gunsteling kleur
Wie dink jy is ek??*
Hangaf ....
Gan j os nu ni mer antw
Sorrie was net gu besag
En as j ma rrg dar werk. Maak dit jou rerig n
Hahahaha wilco ek weet ds jy
Werk j ma rrg b sasko
Ja my ma werk by sasko....:-))
Neeeee ma jy moeT rrg nu se????
Nope .... Ek weet ds j
GeeeE ha vooOrLetTerQii......??*
Van wi hu jy???*
Hahaha my geheim... Ek weet wie het gvra.
Hey""" Waar bly jy
Ek bly in klerksdorp...