Wanna **** you at wah wah
Can't wait to get in with you at project wah wah xx
Your the biggest f***** out, your gonna get your ****ing head kicked in, one day when you dont call up all your mates cause your a ****ing *****, im gonna come behind you and bottle you, you ****en dirty ****, you think your better than everyone else
did you win or lose today?
How many girls do you **** each week?
so you dont even care about her?
I do care about her you can care for someone even if you don't talk to them so **** off your probably just little **** friend of hers who will in the end her **** her over
she's going through a lot and your just making it worse for her... the only thing you care about is why she doesnt talk to you.. maybe think again and see how she is feeling inside.. grow up!!!
Lol **** off you know **** when people are rude to you and put in no effort even though your the nicest you can to them and try and cheer them up and be there for them and get nothing back or no acknowledgment in the end you move on.
your such a **** to Skyee Gruer..
Lol how?
i have read the messages, lol
All of them ? Then you would know we were official
love u bae xxxxxxxx luv leea
Your really pretty really nice we should talk more x
When was the last time you spoke to your crush
I'm speaking to her now
Your a gorgeous girl absolute stunning amazing eyes cute smile great to talk to amazing personality hope we get closer xxxx
im her best friends lmfao she told me you had a thing but yous were never official, i was with her when you kept texting her every 5 ****ing minutes.
You can see the text messages if you like and then you make a decision
Do you talk to the girl you like?
Do you still have feelings for Jess g?
you were never with jess g HAHAHHA
Funny because I was ya ****ing dumb ****
Even though you don't know me that well, thoughts on me? Haha :) tarajellybeans
Kinda think your cute tbh haha but you seem nice don't really talk
what happened with you and jess g?
Well she got drunk then some little poof got with her and then we broke up
Why do u have to be so cute
Inbox me
****ting myself/10
are u a hk party rocka ??
Do it
Bree aidonidi
Already have
Thoughts on Darius Metaxus
Naomy wood
Stella Vairo
u had ur mates jump in u dog
You got your mates to jump in and get josh you weak cunntt
Never got them to jump in actually
I'll say some names and you say if you'd get with them or not
you got bashed by josh
Funny because I was the one standing at the end drop it ****wit
Luke Merret v Brodie Romensky who wins?
What ?
Josh b vs will guy who wins
This was a year ago legit why bring it up
Do you want to **** beautiful?
Harri Rocke has pretty big ears true?
Don't know the kid no comment
Thoughts on Harri Rocke
Don't talk **** about Romensky, Dog cunntt
Don't ask for an opinion then
first name of that girl u like silly
What about her first name
fuk up m8, u lyk tien
I barley know her lol
Thoughts on Brodie Romensky
Not much barley know the kid but gun at footy
Do you know where travancore is?
Avondale are bad
3rd on the ladder ATM looks pretty good
Name 5 girls you would date?
There's only one girl I would date ATM
I want to get with you
Ok inbox me
You are god of football
Please I try
first name omg
William is my first name
first name
My first name Is William
what does the girl u like name start with?
First name middle name or last name ?
You like Amber L?
I do like amber as a friend :)
What's your thoughts on paige??
the girl you likes name
What about her name
what does her name start with?
Who does who's name start with
whats her name
Who's name
What's ur opinion on low life's bugging you on info that's none of their business? :)
Absolute flogs :)
the girl u like?
What about her*
the girl you like
What about you
whats her name start with?
Who's name
who do u like
Who do you like
Y would u date the girl who used u
Well obvs I didn't know she was gonna use me before I dated her -.-
Who the **** keeps annoying will about leea
Thank you
do u still like leea and if u do y she used u
No I don't yes I may always have some feeling for her but there's a little chance I'd date her again and it would take a while we broke up 7 months ago **** off
its obvious u still like leea
I don't thought
Go get head from leea you low life prick
Already did ;)
That chick used u y r u still friends with her
Inbox me
Y are you always asking who you would b cute with, it's obviouse who you want to be with
And who's that
Did you **** Leea that **** from pegs
No I did not have *exual intercourse with Leea what happened between us when we dated is between us and she's not a **** lol?
So pretty great to talk such a cutie x should talk more
Such a beutufal girl so nice we should meet up good to talk to
Gorgeous girl nice as should inbox me xx
girls you like/find attractive?
Nice eyes and smile a good personality not that shy loyal and won't just lead you on or use you
Your a cutie stunning and good to talk too should talk more
Your actually the biggest teenie bopper guy i've seen for a very long time. You try to hard for attention. And you a tad gay
1 - I'm Turning 16 in a couple of months tbs are 12 year olds
2 - I don't try for attention
3 - I'm straight so?
Thoughts on Elisha E
Nice and cute should talk more
Thoughts on amber
Liddicoat? She's cute and really nice should talk more wanna get to know her better
what brand of underwear do you wear??
Bonds all day everyday
who are your bestfriends?
Grace Patton for sure
I'm white
What is your weakness?
My testicles
I don't know you haha inbox me
actually so over your bull****
Me 3
what brand of underwear do you wear?;)
Idk you tell me
Thoughts on Elisha Edwards?
She's gorgeous and nice as good to hang with we've drifted though
would you rather
a) lick your mum's butt hole
b) give a guy head
Wow how ****ed up is your brain mAn
Your an asswhole! Go die in a hole you cheating mother ****er! I feel sorry for your 'girlfriend' she should know what kind of a cheater you are!
What the **** are you on about I wouldn't cheat on my girlfriend she's the only girl I want so **** off **** talking dog
who do ya miss?
A lot of people
biggest regret?
Theres a few
Who u thinking about right now?
For me to know