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Ask me anything you like anonymously

70 Replies

What's the dumbest rumour you've ever heard about yourself?

There's been a lot, it's hard to pick one.

wittywolf replied 3045 days ago

You don't seem as happy:-(

I am trying to be.

wittywolf replied 3045 days ago

You're such a natural flirt i love it

Am I?

wittywolf replied 3045 days ago

Are you happy?

In some aspects.

wittywolf replied 3045 days ago

What's an instant turn off for you?


wittywolf replied 3047 days ago

Describe your ideal day.

Any day spent with her.

wittywolf replied 3053 days ago

I've just followed you a few days ago but I want to say you're super sweet and I hope you feel better soon. :)

Thank you so much. I hope you have a lovely day.

wittywolf replied 3053 days ago

I like you so much.

I've learnt that this isn't as nice as it sounds.

wittywolf replied 3055 days ago

you're such a cutie ✨?

Thank you, anon.

wittywolf replied 3056 days ago

3, 12, 43

3) I would rather it be the other way around...
12) We grew apart and it was for the best. You can love someone without being in love with them.
43) I am in bed, so yes.

wittywolf replied 3056 days ago

7, 11, 38, 47 abnegation

7) My favourite book series is The Mortal Instruments but my favourite book is Playlist For The Dead or Extraordinary Minds.
11) Wow, I guess I miss my ex girlfriend. She was one of the best friends I had.
38) This is going to sound so cliché, but imagine, a nice picnic on top of a hill somewhere overlooking the City, we'd watch the sun set, talk about the most bizarre, yet down to earth thing and we'd finish it off staring up at the stars.
47) That I'm not trying enough to be good enough for the people around me.

wittywolf replied 3056 days ago

i'm sorry, maybe someday but not now?
just a remainder, you deserve nothing but the best✨

Well whoever you are, I apologise for not following you back and I truly hope the rest of your day is nothing but wonderful.

wittywolf replied 3057 days ago

I won't let you know?

You're so mean!!

wittywolf replied 3057 days ago

it's ok!

I want to know who you are so I can at least follow you back.

wittywolf replied 3057 days ago


Now I feel bad. I'm sorry!

wittywolf replied 3057 days ago