o **** i'm feelin it
MS Paint
im a graphic designer
I'm satisfied with mine
i hop e so are ur parents
Make love to me while we wear spandex and listen to lady gaga
can i bring dad
Honey, You've got a Big Storm Comin'.
Are you satisfied with your results
I feel like a deer in the headlights of love.
I love Shrek, I am devoted to him. But my da calls me a f*****, what should I do?
he's just jealous of ur devotion 2 sherk
are you like lesbian
if The Mood Strikes
seinfeld theme?
.,,ocarina of Nothing/!//.
who do you hate
city slickers
i want to protet u from the sodiam... rich chips and the refined sugies.......
My Guardian Angle ...
do u suggie or do u sodiam
Suggi eOh my God D
do u....poo...do u...
Twice A Day.
what are your thoughts on Maverick knight
I don't have any Lol
Who's got the hottest dad?
i wannaa put my suggues in u...
Put em In Me!!
Oh go home..
Get out O f My house.
Do you have a crush on anyone right now?
No I Only Love My Dad
cme back 2 qoohme.........................................
Aw **** shoulda known!!!
Why not go back for seconds?? ;D
What are you referring to exactly
i **** on u (i **** on u idc who u r)
I'm intimidated
I go to Koonung and I had my first class with you this year, I think you're super pretty :3
aw omg that's so sweet thank you ;__;
Thoughts on john?
john who
*tips cowboy hat*
U single and ready to mingle ;;))
so much
well they weren't really good they were just old
back in the good olds days
Is it spelt Siobhan? Or Siobhan?
sodyum.. . .. more like sodi-YUCK
protein enriched eggies
just stay away from them....honestly not worth the long term effects...
i will stay away from fetus....
HAH refined suggies . ..........................cLassic
sodiam rich chippies
Strangle our fetus in my chest hair
our fetus?
would u root liam
plant him and water him everyday
see much?? i cant...
i can only see so much....
U got amy refined suggies young lady?
no i'm not the party animal you take me for
no refined suggies
gotta keep my body clean from toxins
or not..to...poo...
no u have 2 care i need 2 feel adequate
i'll work with wat i got
i need to monitor you....
keep me in a cage
have you had a bowel movement today?
yeah im pretty cleansed
how u doin there buddy?
on another planet ;;))
Cir***cised or uncir***cised?
i don't care
Woof at me daddy?
*slowly undoes belt*
Is he still going to be 12 in ten years?