thoughts on shania black? do you rate her over lauren?
Hahahahaha?! What the ****, shania is my best friend! And Lauren hates me. Shania is amazing <3
Lily tarren??
What about her?
Whoever this useless c u n t is, is not worth your time, ignore him, his just jealous and wants attention. BradleyJames33
Thanks man..
I know more about you than you would think ****face
Well iv never turned a girl into a ****.. So you must be misinformed about me
ahahahahahahahahhahaa you would be surprised by the effect of awesomeness I have on her
Well you have no clue about me, or my past relationships, iv never turned a girl into a ****. And anyway my past is none of your business.
I'm always positive :) That person ranting and raving about Mya, is actually a cockhead haha..
You are correct ❤️
Thank you
fantastic spelling there!! :p
Check one of the last things you said, you ****ed up too.. I really hope she isn't friends with you, cuz her "epicness" doesn't need negative pieces of **** to change her into a faceless judgemental prick, much like your self.
ahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahaha sure sure
Go **** your self really, your grow the **** up and inbox me
Gomez!! Love yah :)
Finally someone positive
Na you see, there is reasons why people go anon, it is cause there person they are asking questions about could probably spaz, so better keep my back safe :p and why wouldn't you admit that you liked Mya before?
I wouldn't spazz, I just think it's dumb your assuming things, then publicly posting, sounds like you are a bit cut tho. I'm not taking her away from anyone or making her into anything.
Ah so you do like her!, and you are a stingy dude who doesn't deserve her!
Got no clue what your talking about me and mya are close, and you have no clue about anything to do with me. So how about you inbox me
Instead of being anon and we have a real chat about this. ✌️
If you could honestly go back and Change one thing in the past what would it be
Spend more time with my grandad and older brother
just cause there is a lot worse going on, doesn't make it any better, and you would change her into a **** anyway and she would lose her epicness, it is what you do to chicks
Mya could never lose her epic side ever.. And iv never changed any girl into anything.
Yeah it's true, Isn't it a bit to big of an age gap at the current point in time thou
Even if it was true not really? It would be the same age gap at any point of time? Haha but even if something did happen there's a lot worse going on in this town.
I just heard it around, it;s true isn't it
Well a lot of things go around :)
I heard you were crushing on Mya?
And who told you that :)
Who you currently crushing on ;)
Haha a girl, who is incredible :) that is all
Do you just like to **** with girls feeling ?
Go **** your self.
Do you like to **** girls over?
Do you like to **** girls around?
Hahaha?! No....
You already owe me $20.
Yet to be proven
Lily tarren?
?? Is gassys top snap chatter?
Nah i cbf doing that. You love me and used to pretty much love here when school was on :) and nanna loves you
<3 well that gave it away... txt me i actually miss you that much!!!!
Who's your best mate?
well i pretty much spend all my time with jesse and brad.. so its a draw between them. id say patt but his more like a brother
Dont be mean to me :( i dont hate you ! Miss yah xoxox
i have no clue who you are. but you should inbox me, as im curious.
Do u evn lift bra
Not at all
Do u still love Lauren?
...... really?
people close enough to me know the situation and what i think of it all, including what i think of her. Im just gonna keep it at that.
You're gr8 don't die
thanks <3
I hate you go die
Your anon so sack the **** up
i know bro. you're mad into it haha
You're amazing
<3 thank you
I think you're perfect
im far from it, but i do know someone who is pretty close.
I like your teeth :)
i like you're ability to make me smile
Dat smile tho
dem eyes doe.. x
Please touch my tree, I can't water it because the barking creme brûlée broke my thong
i cant this weekend because i have to walk my apple.
Yo eyes r beautiful
i think we should hug
If you could have 3 wishes what kind of sundae would you order?
a solid gold one
My dog is in hospital and wanted you to visit can you please buy me a chrizo sausage
as many as you like
How many nuggets can I get for $20???
enough to kill a small Ethiopian village
I love you?
i love you too
3 people,
Miley Cyrus, Julia Gillard, Betty white...
Kill one, **** one, marry one.
kill juilia gillard, **** miley cyrus, and marry betty white and take that ***** for every dollar she got.
OMG you're beautiful
yeah right (y)
I want yor **** in me you r the hottest person in bogie shire o my g
what... thee... ****...
Ok sweet. If ya want you can chuck some of that lettuce on my sandwich
il be sure to do that next time you come into work haha
What did the Fox say?
it said chloe dowell plays that song to much at the middle lol
Do you want some lettuce?
oath i do
Boxers briefs or nothing ??
I love myself
thats nice :)
Ham or vegemite sandwich
if i knew who you where.. i would make you that sandwich
Who you tuning?
no one right now.
You really are the most amazing person to talk to, I actually really miss talking to you all the time like the good old days.
then shoot me an inbox and im sure we can bring the old days back :)
Can you make me a sandwich
what sort :) ?
How do cheeseburgers make you feel
like **** actually lol
Hey man. I just ate a cheeseburger
thats mint as, cheeseburgers are awesome.
Hey so do you like cheezals
errrmeeghhdd yes!! sah much
Do you lift?
i barely lift my feet to put my shoes on.
Can you do a backflip?
nah **** that ****.
You're so cute!
haha thanks...
you're too good for Lauren. She's a pig nosed b/itch
ahhh..? i dont think this is correct tbh.. sorry..
Why are you such a two faced ****
i dont remember doing anything two faced at all... i hope saying this as an anon makes you feel huge tho.
do you scrunch or fold?
depends if im in a rush or not.