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Monnic Delport


Answering everything ???

827 Replies

As j jou qooh hou dm ek jou more $exy

Lol kay.
Sal vi iemand vra om my te remind om my qooh vanaand toe temaak???

x_Mona_x replied 2317 days ago

What's the most common thing you like about a guy ?


x_Mona_x replied 2319 days ago

Kan ons naai

Nee dankie

x_Mona_x replied 2319 days ago 1

Can I send you a dck pick?

And no??

x_Mona_x replied 2321 days ago 1

Bra size?

Vir my om teweet

x_Mona_x replied 2322 days ago

No of my dck

Jy is honger??‍♀️

x_Mona_x replied 2323 days ago 1

Can i send nudes?

Wth bra?

x_Mona_x replied 2323 days ago 1

Lol what was the place/situation?

Long beach on New Years Eve

x_Mona_x replied 2327 days ago 1

Have you ever been in a situation where you and a friend arrived somewhere dying to pee and the bathrooms were closed?


x_Mona_x replied 2328 days ago 1

What is the smartest thing you've ever done?

Im pretty dumb

x_Mona_x replied 2328 days ago 1

Jirrrrr jys darem vet jong?na vinaand eish jyt my maa skrik?

Ek weet??

x_Mona_x replied 2330 days ago 3 1

Jy is gorg. Moenie dat hulle jou anders laat voel nie.

Dankie ?
Ek wardeer dit baie x

x_Mona_x replied 2332 days ago 1

Hoekom bestaan jy?

Ek vra dit vir myself elke dag??‍♀️?

x_Mona_x replied 2332 days ago 1

What are you sick of trying to explain to people?


x_Mona_x replied 2332 days ago 1

Any gifts on Valentine's day ??

No. I got a huge card and a necklace from my best friend tho❤️??‍♀️

x_Mona_x replied 2332 days ago 1