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Albert Van Der Berg


Ask me anything you like anonymously

350 Replies

My ou Shabalala ?
Ek lief jou

Ek lief jou ook haha.. Maar shabalala confuse my😂😂

x_alii_x replied 2092 days ago

Damn I forgot about this ?

Don't worry.. Mee too???

x_alii_x replied 2103 days ago

Babybooooo, broken hearts heal faster together, thank vir alles A❤️

Booo.. I'm always here for you and I appreciate you endlessly C❤️

x_alii_x replied 2330 days ago

How can u expect to Have relationships but u have half of the girl population As you friends?

I'm a nice guy and I make friends with allot of people.. but theres a difference in seeing a girl as a friend and in seeing her as someone you would inevitably spend your life with.. loving and caring for her..

x_alii_x replied 2330 days ago

Halo vreemdeling, snaaks dit voel asof ons vriende is , maar ons het nog nooit ontmoet nie ??

Well pm my en dan kan ons kyk hoe dit voel in persoon??.. cause we gotta meet then?

x_alii_x replied 2331 days ago

So wanneer suip ons dat ons nie kan loop nie

Pm my en dan maak ons plan??

x_alii_x replied 2331 days ago

Jy is die beste este pel op aarde A

C!!!.. jy is die amazingste pel in die melkweg?

x_alii_x replied 2332 days ago


Jy's eerste babeee????

x_alii_x replied 2332 days ago

Why would you even want more qoohs if you don’t even answer 86 of them? Like juu answer them?

Cause allot of them are about my ex.. the rest is hate and I don't have time for that.. and I deleted a lot recently

x_alii_x replied 2332 days ago

Stay the cool guy that u are Albert u tops?? Charlie......

I appreciate you?.. you are truly an amazing human being.. And I'll always be this version of me cause I kinda like it haha.. you a badass?

x_alii_x replied 2355 days ago 1

Dude I'm joking. She wasn't flirting with other guys. She might be a hoe but she's a loyal one you dumb fck?

Yet she didn't want me to read chats she had with other guys cause she said I would think she's cheating cause she flirted with them.. soo your the dumb fck for thinking you know anything??.. just take your nose and shove it up your own A$$.. and mind your own business???

x_alii_x replied 2355 days ago 2 1

Also Kaylee flirted with a lot of guys while you guys were together I believe. Idk but no wonder why you guys broke up. She's a lot better than you like fck???????she's yummy. You're fugly

Uhmm I know.. don't worry.. and after breaking up with her it lead me to greater and better people.. soo I will always be thankful for the time me and her spent together.. it teached me allot.. and if you want to waste your time in telling me so.. you can just scream at a wall.. there would be no difference??

x_alii_x replied 2355 days ago

Some A$$ isn't jealous of you I just fcking hate you because you are a ***** and I can judge you because I know you really well ? please just kill yourself A$$hole ?

????????.. like I said.. your opinion on me is pointless.. I don't care haha???..

x_alii_x replied 2355 days ago

Haters gona hate! btches gona btch! This dude wont die alone he is tops?? Charlie......

Aww.. I wish people could be as nice as you cause damn.. this world would be a better place.. you are amazing thanks for this.. you just made my day????

x_alii_x replied 2357 days ago 2

You are so fugly and you are gonna die alone ?

Lol.. thank you soo much.. people like you
are goals???.. you can just go join the club.. which is beneath me soo I don't care what you say or think✌️?? #hatersgonnahate

x_alii_x replied 2357 days ago