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HA!!!! Long story...
Not too bad, yours?... sorry for the very late reply!
Me all the way hahaha :P
Not at all... it's really fun to get and if you are thinking of getting it done you should!!!
Ok lets do this but it's not in any order...
1: James
5: Sam.C
f*** man... i want to add somemany other people, like all the amazing people i meet this year and from my old school! But this listen is for kids from my old high school!!
Devil in my Bloodstream :D
Noooooo, no way in f***ing hell! I love Sarah with all my heart, she is the best thing to happen to me besides my mates.. Sorry if i just crushed you but i will never leave her or have anything for anyone else's!
WOW ok.... if im hot you're blind!
f*** mate i have no clue!
Sadly no... but i wish :P
All the ****s i have meet this year have all been sick or how i like to put it rad!!! All the people i have become friends with this year have all been so amazing and awesome!!!
Why yes i'm am... how did you ever guess!?!
I try my best!!! I dont know!
McDonald Hardcore!!!
But then... i wont have any! D:
slim jim!!!
That's me :D
They are pretty rad! and some a really nice people and friends, i would like to become better friends with some! :D
awwwww thank you! :) I will keep it up and i would love to meet you again sometime!