The best movie so far in 2014?
Tallest person u know
Thoughts on Aaron Johnson
nice. funny good friend
who did you know forst out of jaquin and paige
Jacqui or Paige ?
way to hard to pick
Thoughts on Tahlia h
so cute, love her so much, one of my bestfriends, so close ❤️
Who do u like
No one really
Prettiest girls in your class
Whos your favourite singer
taylor henderson <3333
Thoughts on Alyssa G?
really nice & pretty, should talk more x
Do you regret anything
whos paige jaqion & erin??!!!
friends & its spelt jacquin .-.
close friends that dont go to ur school
issy neve paige marni theres heaps
best friends ? x
eliza ness matisse tahlia maddie ecem
funniest thing that happened today
um in geography me eliza taylah and ecem could smell this candle and it smelt really nice and it was coming from the classroom next door & we were sniffing the walls
friends in your class
Eliza S, Vanessa M, Matisse K, Ecem Y & Taylah B
How was your first kiss like ?
what netball club do you play for?
Pink panthers, why?
We should talk more at school
well who are you
whats your snapchat
did you go out with luke kinder
NOO it was a different luke
thoughts on ecem
i love her ❤️❤️ shes so so nice, so funny, only known her for nearly 3 months but omg have already had so many memories
Top 5 year 7 prettiest girls
Ecem taylah kelly eliza idkkk theres heaps
Do u even like ecem?
bloody love her xx
Who even is Paige????
A friend
who do you tell everything to
eliza vanessa matisse & paige
Who do you miss right now?
no one really
tbh max kendall
who the hell even is that
OMG that wasn't me with the lion king question hahaha
tbh vanessa meo
used to be really close idk we dont really talk anymore
Thoughts on saskia
really really really pretty love her hair, so nice should talk more
people you miss being close with
issy & ellana
Do you like the lion king ☺️
Are you going out with anyone?
what happened to jordyns hands
rope burn
tbh aaron
he tripped me over
are you still friends with issy
Why do you like high school better than primary school?
idk its just a lot better
Longest relationship?
8 months
whos your celebrity crush?
Niall Horan & Taylor Henderson
favourite movie?
last vegas
if you could go the rest of your life and only eating one food, what would it be?
if you could meet any person in the world who would it be?
Paige&jacqui cant pick one
How much is enough money for you?
best friends you havn't met
Paige & Jacqui
10 People you miss from PPS
mgsc girls and sophie
Who makes you happy?
friend in 6,7,8
6- sophie a 7- heappsssss 8- zoe
Why u so perty???
im not but thank you xox
You are really pretty tho!! ❤️❤️
aww thankkss
best guy friends
kobi aaron rodney connor
I love u Sophie ur so pretty and amazing love ness ❤️❤️❤️❤️
who do u want to be better friends with
taylah b
best friends youve made this year
whats your kik
what primary school did you go to???
parkdale primary
wuts ecem's instag?
5 friends in your class
eliza ecem taylah matisse ness
Thoughts on issy Scott that gorl that went to your primary school
shes nice dont talk anymore so yeah
Who'd you hang out with today? i didnt see you
Eliza ecem grace and like heaps of other people
The greatest moment in your life ?
something ages ago
Why didnt Ecem hang out with the brimbles today
idk ask her
Who's your bestestestestest friend
Thoughts on Celine
so so so pretty and nice! hope shes okay xx love her
Who was the first person you dated?
not sure
what do you miss from primary school
Sophie Austin ❤️
Do u love me
well who are you
Luke told me you want him back
hahahahahahaahah wtf
What do you think about the most?
Do u still like Luke Plaisted
No where'd you get that from
We are besties arnt we ~ it's me Aaron
besties for life
who do you hang out with at school
different people every day
I love u ~ random
lol okay
ecem y?
pretty as omg its not even fair! so so nice and yeah funny xx
so popular
new friend that you've made?
maddie jordyn hayley grace vanessa matisse
Who is your crush? Dont be shy
dont have one
do you like any of the year 8s
only zoe
Something you will never be good at?
A song they should play at your funeral?
i have no idea.
Im yourr loverrr foreverr❤❤
Whatt ur thoughts on sophie A
so so so so nice & pretty & kind and love her heapsss. wish we were closer last year because dont really see her anymore but have a great time when im with her ❤️❤️❤️love you sophh.