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Chloe Jeffries



1.1k Replies

What's the one moment in your life you wish was recorded?

My reaction the very first second I saw The 1975 live

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3079 days ago 3

What or who has recently grabbed your attention and why ?

Leonardo DiCaprio bc he is a god

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3099 days ago 1

Fave Leonardo DiCaprio movies in order

There's too many, but the top 6 at the moments would be Titanic, Romeo and Juliet, The Basketball Diaries, The Beach, Shutter Island, Wolf of Wall Stree

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3101 days ago

Thoughts on Murph x Maddiigrace

Oh my god where do I start? We meet in 4 days, 4 fcking days. We've waited like 6 months to meet and now it's happening, and I couldn't be more excited. Tbh you'll hate me by then end of the 10 days but it'll be worth it. The first message you sent was the Michael vine, and I remember my exact thoughts "oh fck why is Maddii messaging me? We don't talk" and then I watched the vine and I was all "sht what do I say" so I just fangirled. Ever since then we've been best friends. I've told you everything there is to know about me, and I never thought I would do that with someone other than Abby, especially someone I haven't met before. I love the fact we can sit on the phone for 9 hours straight and still have stuff to talk about, if not, we just chill. I've drunk called you so many times and you've never actually hung up on me, I think. You've been on the phone to me while I've been crying, and that's a big thing for me because I usually don't share emotional things with anyone. You can cheer me up just by calling me, literally. There's been times when I'm in the shttiest mood and all I want to do is delete my fcking life, but somehow you make me laugh and forget all about it. I'm so glad you've become such a major part of my life and happiness. I talk to you about anything and everything so easily and you don't care if I talk about something for 5 hours straight. I would like to think you can tell me anything, and I hope you do. We've had some rad memories already like having a 9 hour phone call, helping me with my homework ? joining my class for maths and English and thinking both teachers were gay. You were there for me at some of my hardest times and I try to be there for you at yours. You mean the fcking world to me tbh, I couldn't imagine nights without our phone calls or days without our ugly snapchats. You've made me smile, laugh, fangirl and given me great advice from over 700km away. I cannot wait to watch how did we end up here with you bc I'll cry a lot and so will you so yay. Honestly, you're the most incredible person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, thank you for putting up with me. Love you Murph xxxx

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3102 days ago 1

PAra on me? tell me how much your gonna miss me!! ahah abby.delaney885

Okay well this is either gonna be long or short bc I'm tryna draw Leo so. Anyway, mrs styles, Abby, Abbigail, best friend, mrs DiCaprio 2, dckhead. We have so many memories together, literally hundreds of incredible memories I could write down, some being making jelly slice like a billion times bc it never worked, getting scared bc it was 10:00 at night and this fcking truck scared us, meeting 5sos, watching titanic too many times, "I feel stiff", and so many more. I love how honest and up front we are with each other, like I could be wearing something terrible and you'll tell me like "you look like a fcking Italian homeless man", and I won't even be offended , and I feel like that's hard to find in a friendship these days because everyone's so two faced. I'm ALWAYS having a laugh when we're together, especially over the most ridiculous things. Like the time you pulled chewbacca out when we were playing that game and we laughed for a good 5 minutes. But I also love how we can go from laughing at "why don't you shut the fck up before I throw a fcking bottle in your face you god damn *****", to having an hour long conversation about how we're feeling about certain things. I'm like an open book with you. You know absolutely everything there is to know about me, and same goes for me to you. If people didn't know we were best friends, I think they'd think we hate each other because we're always cussing each other out or insulting one another. I couldn't imagine what would happen if 5sos never made it so big, we wouldn't of became close and I'd probably still be scene, so nothing good could have happened. I'm going to miss you a fck load tbh, we've been basically joined at the hip since we met 5sos, so 3 months, and now we're not gonna see each other for 2 weeks. Who am I gonna cry over Leonardo DiCaprio with? I hope we stay friends forever and have the squad I always talk about when we watch friends or Don's Plum. I couldn't imagine life without you now, it'd be so weird lmao. You're the most amazing person with such an incredible personality. According to astrology, cancers and Libras are meant to HATE each other, but you're my favourite person so that's obviously wrong. We've had our fair share of ups and downs, but I think that's what's made us so close now. I honestly feel like even after year 12, we'll still be hanging out in our bedrooms screaming high school musical songs (you being Troy, me being Gabriella, like always) and eating pizza. I feel like you won't even read this whole thing, so I'll finish it now. But you're one of the most important people in my life, so you better stay in it btch. Luv u Hemmo u *****

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3102 days ago

WHy wouldn't you like titanic!! abby.delaney885

Exactly !! What's not to like ??

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3102 days ago 1

Explain why you love the titanic so much

Well, young Leo. And a lot goes on in it so I don't get bored while watching it, I could watch it multiple times in a day. Kate and Leo have really fcking good chemistry so Rose and Jack fit together so well. And the ending isn't a happy, expected ending. It's sad, it's entertaining, it's romantic, it's my fcking everything. It's honestly just a movie I could never get bored of

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3102 days ago 1

What's your favourite Leonardo DiCaprio movie?

I'm gonna be basic and say Titanic or Romeo and Juliet

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3102 days ago

What is the best "happiness" that money has bought you?

Concert tickets

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3102 days ago

How did you meet your bestfriend ?

With fcking sarcasm

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3104 days ago 1

Me? georgia_long

Georgia! You're in my health and human class! I've never really spoken to you but you seem like such a lovely girl. Would love to have a chat sometime

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3120 days ago

Which song describes your mood today ?

Guns for Hands by Twenty One Pilots

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3131 days ago 1

Do u have a crish on Riley


xx.Chloe.xx replied 3131 days ago

What are you currently worried about ?

Getting slfl tickets

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3137 days ago 2

Ok so Abby needs to talk to you about what Riley said and if she doesn't see not your real friend !
I can't believe he would say such disgusting things a bout you and Abby didn't even stuck up for you wtf
I thaught she was your bf

This was 23 days ago wtf Riley and Abby are losers ew who would like them omg

xx.Chloe.xx replied 3138 days ago