Tash Giampaolo
Y arent I one of your best friends that is a guy ( from Jordan Weightman )
Well maybe talk to me more at school! And then we will become bestfriends! :) x
That thing that irritate you about your friend?
Georgia's laugh ;)
5 boy best friends
Bailey.S, Luke.G, Daniel.L, Mitch.S and Wyatt.M
Who is your best friend in the world
Hard one, sorry can't pick
Thanks tash! xx (from Carly)
It's okay! xx
Thoughts on Carly's Ibbetson. Lolâ¤
Well...she's really gorgeous, such a good dancer I heard. And I would love to become friends with her this year! Also your coming to Sunbury College :) x
Pretty obvious u like bailey..
I'm sorry I think you got the wrong person... Cause I like no one
A person you never want to talk to again?
There's a couple
Thoughts on Carly? â¤
Carly who?
What's your Kik? X
4 best friends that are girls? x
Tayla,Jordy,Georgia and Olivia! xx
Who do u like?!
U look sooooo much better than u did in primary school
Haha thanks! Who is this? :)
What u said about me
Oh haha it's okay
Thoughts on Jordan weightman
Pff him really? Haha joking! Well his such a good friend really funny! And hoping to become a closer friend! :)
3 girl best friends
Please post more on your singing account you are so good! :)
Aww thank you! I will tomorrow! :) x
Which product or service do you find ridiculously overpriced?
Mascara..! Hahahha
You are so *exy!!!! I really want to date you but you wouldn't Date me
Aw thanks! Only if I knew who wrote this!
What's your kik
How long did your last call last?
5 mins
Your gorgeous! Friendly! Need to get to know each other more!
Plans for 2014?
To make it the best year out of all the years! Not gonna worry so much about people! Start fresh! And be a better person! :)
Thoughts on Tom Mcentee!?
His a good friend! We don't really talk much! And I would really like to get closer with him! :)
Sorry don't really know ya
Thoughts on Steve Edwards
Don't really know him
Your a really good friend and very funny! It's sad that your not in my class next year but we can still keep in touch! xx
Thoughts on me? x haha done this before but oh well Olivia.Obrien
You are the most gorgeous girl I have ever met! I'm so glad I met you! I could of never asked for a better Olivia Obrien! Hehe! You always stick up for me we have so many good memories! I'm sure we have more to come! xxx
Sorry I don't sleep with boys! :)
So what your kik
You have it
Eww your so ugly and your fingers are so fat and you can't even pout oh and while your at it pull down your skirt at school we can see your friggen as* ya **** wannabe
Thanks! x
What's your kik
Not giving it till I know who this is...
Do u remember billy leitchy
Argh! Tell him to **** off!
I wanna be ur first.
Who is this?
Where can i meet you.
Don't know who this is..?
Where can we chat....
Just kik me if I know you!
Natasha ur such a skank stop thinking that ur top **** cuz ur not and stop being a cake face u ferrel rat , ****ing mole !! Oh and by the way just cuz Tayla's hotter then u doesn't mean u have to be obsessed with her! x
Right? Thankyou! x
Do you like tom? Cause I've heard he likes you xx
Yes I do like Tom, but I don't think he likes me. :)
Do u s*ck ****.
No I don't sorry
As in more than a kiss...
No I haven't
Have u been past first base with a guy....
As in? Kiss?
Your so beatuiful...wish u was my girl..xxxxx
I want to kiss you...xxx...do u like me
Haha, umm?...
What do u like doing after school...
I pretty much have dancing everyday after school.
Thourghts on Steven Edwards the fat person who wears his pants low and he likes u
Don't know him, don't really wanna know him and yeah good for him
Dead gorgeous! Love her heaps! Best friend alive!
Your the ugliest girl ever with a big nose.
Hi guess what your a stuck up b**** and u abbess over tayla u are so annoying the world doesn't revolve around u and tayla! U are such a f******* cake face u should just leave sunbury college u b**** hate your soul! 💥💥💥🔫🔫🔫
Do u like alysha or think she us a fat ***** cause I think she is!?
No she isn't! Back off!
Your really ugly you think your top **** and everyone loves you when actually everyone hates you and your big nose.
Thanks! x
Thoughts on steven edwards
You don't even have a boyfriend so why does your bio say "in love with someone special."
Because I can?
Y don't u like me
Who is this?
Who are you thinking about as you answer this?
Nothing! :)
The first thing you think of after you wake up ?
School.... :(
I don't know you that well but you are so pretty!! (: x noooneee
Aww thank you my beautiful! xx
Stop being mean to tash! She's f***ing amazing your props jelous of how beauitful she is! Love ya tash xxx
Aww thank you so much!! Love you!! xx
Are you single
Yes I am :)
Your the biggest try hard. Stop being such a cake face and start acting your age. x
Alright, will do! :) x
Your an ugly rat
Aww thank you!!
Give up on tom he deserves way better then you.
Yeah I know he does... :)
Tash you think your top sh*t and everyone likes when actually they hate you! Your a f****** cake face and your a b****!!
Thanks! :) x