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ask awayyy x

55 Replies



xx__ella15__xx replied 3221 days ago

Y be mad when u can just kb and fck dem hatters v_kittie


xx__ella15__xx replied 3221 days ago

If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?


xx__ella15__xx replied 3221 days ago

Don't worry bout them low live thing bby Serena17

love u

xx__ella15__xx replied 3222 days ago 1

Why do you dress like a **** and act like a btch to people?

you tell me?

xx__ella15__xx replied 3222 days ago

Abbey Rogers

nice and yeh

xx__ella15__xx replied 3222 days ago


why tf do u keep asking it's a simple no.

xx__ella15__xx replied 3222 days ago

I want to die

that's not a question?

xx__ella15__xx replied 3222 days ago

What's your thoughts on Abbey

abbey who?

xx__ella15__xx replied 3222 days ago

Serena or Daphne seeing Serena can't answer?!

they both r my bestfriends

xx__ella15__xx replied 3223 days ago 1

Who do u like & how's school idk what to say?

I like someone, for me to know u find out & schools great

xx__ella15__xx replied 3226 days ago



xx__ella15__xx replied 3226 days ago

What is your current state of mind?


xx__ella15__xx replied 3228 days ago

Thoughts on tasie walker

pretty as, serenas cousin, seem nice & yehh

xx__ella15__xx replied 3228 days ago

Thoughts on ashiiah x

pretty as, good friend, beautiful, amazing, love yah xxx and miss you

xx__ella15__xx replied 3229 days ago