Yohannes Basha
Whats the one thing you cannot forgive ?
Can't remember!?
What is your biggest success up until now?
Coming to Australia
Best friends?
Don't have any all my friends best friends
You know that wasn't kaydo it was me are you mad or you just flying into the second quarter of the moon
Wtf k
Sick a bloody Marte
Kaydo m8
Who do you like?
No one in particular
Oi good seeing you at church today
Oi sick Coops
What kind of girl do you prefer? Skinny, curvy, fat? Emotional, funny, serious? Things she like (e.g clothes, people, shoes, music, dancing)?
Idk I guess if i like I like her Ahah end of story
I think I'm starting to fall for you, but we hardly speak to each other so it really s*cks
Paddy please...
Do you like anyone?
Idk you tell me?
I want to inbox you but I'm scared too but your really attractive
Paddy please..
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
I'm batman
no no no im batman
I know you're lying because you told me about it.
About what hahah!? I forgot what we were talking bout?
What is your favorite piece of clothing?
great kid beat at bball but not as amazing as me of course
You're lying.
im really not
Why can't you get in with jahna
why cant YOU get in with jahna
Erin, kind and caring always smiling and you went to primary!!
Do you also think that Mitch Wakefield is getting in with Bella
as much as i wanna say no yeah
I think its getting looser.
really great!!
I'm ready for that fight tomoz ;)
alright lets go!
Get in with jahna
Have you ever kissed someone?
Nope! not yet
favourite year 8 girls.
um i dont know?
Something you plan on never doing again?
Dunking the ring !!
Erin is great.
No she just has a small p**** ... Jokes erin do kill me !!!
Rumour in Jra is you want to go out with Mia Salisberry! True?
No!!! Who said that I would never do that (not being mean to mia) any ways no I did not go out with her.. I barley knew her till like the start of this year!!
Wad up
No to much bro/sis
St Kilians
What about it?!?!
first hook up?
Stephanie I think??
fav gals from ccb?!
Too many to say
Who do you remember from primary school? (Girls)
Which one went to like 16