Which Foreign country do you dislike the most and why?
Am syria cause the are fighting
What's your favorite sport wasee
Do u have twitter wasee
Do u like gymnastics if no y wasee
No becouse it is hard
When iS your B DAY wasee
28 july
What's the funnies thing that happend today wasee
°̩ don't now
What are u good at wasee
°̩ am good at cricket
Do u hav a crush at the moment
Hw did ur followers increase on twitter
°̩ don't now
A person you lost you would like to see again?
My grand father
Best advice you received about relationships?
°̩ don't know °̩ have never been in a relationship
What happens when we die?
U get burid der
What's your favorite coulre zaakee
My favorite colour is blue
Would u spy your brothers or sisters if they cauld u a bit** zaakee
°̩ would spy on my sisters
Do u like a x box,wii,ps 1,2,3 zaakee
°̩ realy like a ps 3
What's your favorite subject and teacher zaakee
My favorite subject is life skils and my favorite teacher is maullim ravet
How many freinds do u have zaakee
°̩ have 5 friends