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All of it it would be fun to watch all the sht ive done and how much ive fcked up
A retard
Haha yeah I know been a while
Hat of di*dos all the way maty everyone will wont one
Everything soni can start a new
Literally jack shir
to try not to make a fool of myself but that's impossible
I would go back to the day my mom past away and make it so she never left the house
Skate border and acople other nifty stuff
Every thing
Holy grap al this time I thought I was a lepricorn
Watch animi and supernatural while eating foof
laura and the v stands v energy drink
How should I know
Great person and need to cutch up
Youre the best and you need to come over without marcus so we can get a holl heap of v's and monsters and red Bull
My beautiful girl asha
No I can't sorry and who is this
Peanut Butter
I cant remember
Doing all my flexibility on the street in italy Gpod tomes:D
Which laura I know too many
Great person and we should get to know each other mor
I would take a bullet for a stranger
Im obnoxious and im cinda stupid
I can't remember
No im out side your window
I don't know
Not mch I don't need it really sure it would be awesome but id rather hang out with my r Friends than s*ck up to some retarded rich peace of **** so in other words nothing
Lol do you know me And who might this be
Everything apart from being an idiot and making a fool of myself :D
Umi don't even know how you are
I would like to say no but that would be a lie
Im not sure I have too many songs to choos from
Haha thanks and yeah were having fun
Miss you too stranger
Miss you too stranger
Miss you too stranger
There's too many to choose from
Being a complete dump as*
Chocolate by far
Trying to be something someone else wanted me to be
Awesome thanks also who is this
Josh egan laphlan Kelly and Marcus
Whats happening on Saturday
Depressing and boring
Eating until I can't est any more
Um yes why and who is this
Hi bored and im watching tv
Great thanks how about you
Awww thanks you should inbox me so I can know who you are
Probably a 2 ore 3
I cant do enny thing for another 2 weeks because of my rest
Probably making a fool of myself somewhere along the lines
Chiling with friends
All of them
Because I know my self
Well I think I am
Probably me
Well its my birthday so im having family over
Ben shcramel
Went shopping and im just relaxing tomorrow
Ok its a girl
All of my friends
Well my mom passed away 4 year's ago and the person I miss who is dear to me is a secret
Jav no idea
Haven't had one yet
Im not saying so however can see if won't to know that inbox me
Ha ****ing haha you should be a comedian
My mom and someone very dear to me at the moment :)
Yeah cos I don't know who you are
Yeah who are you inbox me
I fell off my penny board
Not much and I think you just made my day. Also how is this?
Haven't came yet
Good thanks what about you?
Thanks who ever you are :)
Haha you're joking right
Crazy and anoying
Who wants to know