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cool chicks!
idk cool chick really nice and sinser if thats how you spell it :D
haha idk ;)
Is This A Serious Question?
I NAIN WAND JN W AO and that other **** TOO!! :D
its to be honest
I don't know honestly
didn't I already answer this?
f**gooooot jks kewl guy
everything :(
****ing shion is the beastyest ****ing PARTY animal iv ever know and funny top of the ashan iv ever known he is perfecto yeah I don't know anything elses to say because theres to much to say but ashan perfection and that stuff funniest face ever (*_*) yeah never dull moment with this man. Dear shimmy!
tbh's are hard anyway Karli is AWESOME and stuff like that I think Karli is kewl as* and and she cant stay mad at anyone yeah and lots of other things that I cant be F***** writing but Karli is da best and loads of other stuff. to this person
owesome bloke that's double the size of me. really stupid and funny sometimes gets annoying and yeah stuff like that.
I havnt really know her for that long but I rekon she is pretty kewl and sweet and funny and has a "prefetional" way of clothing and life yeah and noah has a "connection with her" yeah shes an awesome friend that's awesome at being a friend
I don't know im only young :)
I would say defenetly not! wat do u think?
Thor or SpiderMan
molly is the awesomest person u'll meet with her own special personality that wows everyone we are the REAL tentragona way reprasenters you are my cuz and your one of my most percliar (in the good way) people I have ever know. :) happy?