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aww im doing good how you doing
Whats it to you if im friends with her just coz u have a problem with her doesnt mean i have to I dont think she going to have se* with me
Love her to bits dont know what ill do with out her i can all ways have a good chat with her always be there for her <3
Ok tough c*nt
One of me bestfriends that i can have fun with and stupied shi* at school with as well love her <3 as you know we are going out and all :)
I like girls with a passion would never look at a guy in that way
Cheers brah
Yeah any day
Dont know all ways to drunk my self
No sir i do not do u
good personality good sense of humor a good as* smells really good and loves to have a chat
cheers brah
thats a hard one
how do u know im not already doing that
I have a feeling this is dylan
I dont know y do people hate me are u to scared to say that to my face
Larrveeee you to anon
alrighty then
tbh hes a really top bloke good to have a chat with and hang around caring for other people respect
**** who knows
Who wants to know ?
hahaha i no but thats just how it is u feel me
i said i anit telling so stop asking
yeah ill just keep it to my self for now
tell me y u want to know
yeah i do why
umm y u wanna know aye
tell me who u r
y must u be like that
um if u want me too
just inbox me :)
I try my best haha
Cheers who ever you r :)
I dont love her
naa jks i love just as much
Lots shes knows it
Aww thanks
Thats nice too know mate
Um um um its to hard two pick
naa just throw them at people