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Really 80 I pout 80 I didnt know that ! Why does it bother you :/
Okay seriously who is this :/
Who's that =)) :
Thanks hun :$ ii try my best:$
Oh my god x_x 0_0
Why do you people ask such stupid questions , if you have nothing intelligent to ask than buzz of :/
See α Psychologist x_x
Do you have α problem : !
They're alot 0_0 and ii cant remember most of em .and ii dont think its α good idea to mention funniest moment here :p
Yes yes :p =D/
Yeah ii do like girls : I have to like what ii am :
Omw :') thank you <3 Your so sweet :$
Good question 80 Ii think their pointless , cause how can you make α pig look pretty without cooking it :/ pigs should stick to cooking shows :/
Wow , that's α tough question :'( But ill have to pick edward :Ğ ! Cause he's α vampire and ii love vamps :Ğ And he's really cute ;;) <3
Ii have four besties :D Revanya,zakkiyya,terese,bronte' :')
Ii think so:$
Really80:| !
Than your obviously very very lonely :/
Her names isabella and she goes to hogwarts school of witch craft and wizadry :)
Lol , thanks I guess :/ (:
Bronte 80 ! ***I knowwwwwwwwwwwww ;) ;) ****
I dont even know your identity :/
Yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no
Its α secret ;)
Wtf :/ ??
America , no reason just dont like that place -__-