What is the most expensive thing you own ?
My Lego
Thoughts on Graci :3
Kind, good looks, great at drawing, looks out for other's
What is the greatest thing about being single ?
Nothing its depressing as fck
Which song do you think you repeated the most ?
What activity always makes you lose track of time?
Playing the Xbox / YouTube
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
why are you so *exy?
Maybe because of all radiation treatment iv had
Going on the appropriate discussion of this is my number and is fine for you is it is the only thing is to make sure that you have any plans to go out of my friends and I have no plans yet
I never have plannes so I'm free
Hey what's your plans for tonight then lol
Wait till my for my foot to heal a can't walk on it
What was your first cellphone ?
Nokia e63
If you could add a feature to qooh.me what would that be?
To see who sent them
Money or Loyalty ?
What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?
moving hose agin
Who do you envy and why ?
ppl who dont take **** from others
I love drugssss. :( i want what i cant have.
And O
i might need to get some off u then
Favourite age you've been so far and why ?
6 coz i didn't have any feelings
Who told you they loved you last
Would you travel to Mars if you knew you cannot come back?
i may consider that with all the **** heads on this planit
What's your favourite word or phrase ?
r u a beaver coz dam
The last thing you bought ?
Barbecue shapes
What do you think is the most useless class in high school?
History or geografy
What is your nickname ?
What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?
how to not be boring as ****
You cant have to names until now, so Shout out im whayne king, mike hunt'
what u talking about willes
Is i bad that i want to smash a bottle on a concrete piller then shove the broken bottled spikes all up in my wet sloopy **** stained arse hole?
Oh im so *****
yes it it
We went back to your dads house but the whole house is empty?
What happened, did you move because of us??
no we just moved
I dont know what to say
Anything I couldnt care
What is your biggest success up until now?
Serviving cancer
I like drugs but i havnt tried any, who am i?
No clue
What did you get for christmas ?
xbox 360 with gta v borderlands 2 and a new watch
169 replies hahjsgaua
do you have ranga pubes
No I dont
What is attractive about you?
I would say my personality
We laughed and jumped the fence again
Well I'll be moving so yeah come to the door or I can get the cops
We might tehe. We will be back one day. Not soon though.
Come to the door next time OK or it might be the cops next time if I freak out
Woah not to sound like im trying to get myself in trouble though but you were pretty good at skyrim, we watched you play that then you were on facebook haha.
Ps that fence was extremly hard to climb to.
Yeah still y not come to the door?
Holy ****. No do not watch it. I saw the cameras but i didnt know you would check it. Tell him not to ckeck it, im sorry ill never do it again!
Come clean at school and I won't report to the cops
56, Bennett street white house red tile roof and blue car. Hehe i jumped the fence and saw you on the computer and i couldnt help but laugh.
so r u the ones who were out side the front of my friends house the other night. u know they he he has 24 hour camera suvalence so good chance your on camera and he will be checking it.
I go to btech and i just have to say somthing anonymous, i saw you in your mums car and u got out at a white house with a garage. I later walked all around your house at 10:00ish pm and saw you playing on the conputer haha, window near the fence. I jumped it
What's the name of the street then
Im wearing that cosby sweater. Uno
What are you addicted to?
Loveing to much
What's your favorite fashion item ?
Hat or top
What turns you off ?
Bossy ppl
Thoughts on Gracie??
Don't see her realy but I would say she is Very artistic good looking and like to get to know her some more :)
I like your fordra
:) :) :) :) :)
Hey. Dis be da gurl dat has a crash on u. My felings r reely mesed up ant I dunt no wat to du. Shood I tak 2 u? :* :* :* <3 ♡♥♡♥♡♥
Well if u don't try u won't get the chance I missed most of mine so yeah
So you'd take a BJ from a random person on the street
Free but depends on the age
Ur spaling iz grate
That how good school is at trying to teach me ****
You have to **** one kill one and marry one
Taylor firmer, eliza moresi and eve Lyon
Kill all :)
But you don't know who the mysterious BJ girl is
Good point
How long do you want to live?
As long as posiball
If a girl offered you a BJ would you do it?
Who wouldn't say yes
At what age do you want to get married ?
20s or 30s
Which girl from bse would you fck if you could fck anyone
that would be up to them
Best song you've heard this week ?
nightcore waka waka
any lucky ladies in ur lyf???
The most unreliable person you know ?
The most expensive item you own?
When you like to **** her right in the pusy, do you ever remember a simpler time in lyf like when shuffling was cool? <daisy for prime minister>
Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?
yes because I have showers not baths
Nah u shood jus ges who I am an msg me. Coz im embarased. Ill giv u a clu. Im a yer 9 at bse. Wiv big tiŤs :*:*:*:* ♡♥
don't know its been a long time since I seen the year 9s
I wood msg u but im too embarrassed coz I probs don't hav a chance wiv u coz ur soooo much beter dan meh
try u never know
I wood msg u but im too embarrassed coz I probs don't hav a chance wiv u coz ur soooo much beter dan meh
u never know!!!
Msg me
What do you like about the person you dating?
Coz I'm not dating anyone
Hey i would kinda like you to finger me hehe ;) xoxo
maybe more ;) ;)
Thanks for sharing this. It was a good idea. It is a great day and the best of luck. I'm a little bit. The only problem I have to be a great day and the best way for me. It will take a look at it, and the other day, but the most important part. The first one.
mind ****
Omg zamo. I see you at scool an u r jus so hot. Srsly I want your tush bby. Can we becom closer an maybe in da future d8 m8 like I r8 8/8
msg me and we can find out
Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?
yes because u have to try
Thoughts on Emily Churchill :) x
lets just say my anaconda don't wont some less you got buns xx
if I was to make a dancing video, what tips would u give me, bc your dance vids are really good, I must admit !
dont put the name of the song in the description it will be taken down
cute funny totle bae like to get to know u better tho
Game of thrones vs Vikings ?
porsonly I say vikings
thoughts on erin tierney
very cute pretty probably out of my league but like to get to know her better
thoughts on Steph McQuinn? :)
iv know her since primery but as i said be for i feel i could trust her with my life
If you had to ask God a question what would it be?
y did u make the world so hard?
what is your favourite colour?
I can't deside between red green or blue
Stella wants to root u
she dos not
Thought on Stella Seaward
nice girl love to get to know her better p.s cute
One thing you like about yourself?
i dont give a **** what ppl think of me
who do u like
No one any more decause all the ppl I like don't like me so I'm free if any one wants
Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?
Yes and not saying
thoughts on steph?
One of the ppl I can trust with my life
thoughts on sienna
One of the best girls I know and trust
P.s cute
something juice
Best one yet
Nobody likes the blue chicken!!!
OK good to know
Are you going to make another dancing video?
When I could be bothered
i like eating bananas i think, oh and I like apples, they are really good for you.
I'd Rather apples then a banana
thoughts on Madi hall?
Total babe
Zamien how long is your p****?
Message me on Facebook and find out