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zanel hayes


Ask me anything you like anonymously

15 Replies

Wies die ou wat jy van hou?? Naam?

Haha dis my gehuim

zanelaq replied 4812 days ago

Wat sal jy alles vir jou ou doen?

Mmh ek sal enage iets vi m ou doen maar ek verwag van hom die sele.. Ek dink elke meisie is so of meeste van ons

zanelaq replied 4813 days ago

What's the one thing you want the most for christmas?

N kitaar!

zanelaq replied 4862 days ago

"Have a good time". What do u mean by that?

Chating and relaxing getting out the house.. Its boring at home so yea just wanted to get out 4 a wile..

zanelaq replied 4862 days ago

How do u do it to go through so many guys in such a short while?

I didn't go threw a lot of guyz I just went threw 2 guyz but the first one wasn't ment to I only wanet to have a nice time with someone who know me already so yea I guess I made mistakes but guess what everyone makes mistakes!!

zanelaq replied 4863 days ago

Do you like children?


zanelaq replied 4863 days ago

did you ever liked me?

Maybe If knew who you were? I could tell you??

zanelaq replied 4863 days ago

Who are u dating currently?

I'm not dating anyone.. I'm single but there is someone I like.. And he likes me back..

zanelaq replied 4863 days ago

As jy vir michelle kon blixm neh sou jy my kom haal om dit saam jou te doen want glooo my ek wil van tanye :-)

Hehe tanx tjomiq hehe maar om vir iemand soos hy te beklei is n mors van tyd en dis nie die moeite werd nie ek meen tjek net ali ouens joh hkm het ek nie voorheen almal ontmoet nie!! Ek meen haha hyt nie eens die looks nie as h looks gehad het enage tyd... Maar jah ek kan maarder word maar sy kani mooier word ni!

zanelaq replied 4866 days ago

What is your best colour,day,moth and your fav place to hang

My favorite color of course it would be purple.. My favorite mmmh nah I don't have a favorite day every day is the same.. But if I really have to chose it would be the 7 july.. My favorite place to hang out would be somewhere I can be alone like far away from everyone..

zanelaq replied 4867 days ago

As jy saam enige top ou in phs sou kon iets doen soos paintball speel uit gaan,gaan vliek of net close mee wees wie sou dit wees?

Haha wel ek leer eers mense ken en soos wat ek die top ouens in phs sien is hule nie veel van m tiepe nie ek haat mense wat teveel van hulself dink en ek gaan oki rrg vi phs ouens nie want meeste vam hul dink teveel van hulself en dit iriteer my... Dis oky as j ju selfbeeld het maar neti teveel van jouself dinkie maar as ek moes kies sou dit m tjoma markus wees hys nie een van DIE ouens nie maar hys awsme!!

zanelaq replied 4867 days ago 1

If you could have a moment back in time where would you go and why?

I'd go to the beach coz its relaxing and fun and its far away from everyone I know

zanelaq replied 4867 days ago

What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?

I'm a hore

zanelaq replied 4867 days ago

Who are you dating currently

I'm not dating anyone right now I'm planing to be single for a lil wile

zanelaq replied 4867 days ago

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Cute nice awesome lovable

zanelaq replied 4867 days ago