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zama phungula


Claws coming out yong! Hahahahaha!! Feel free 2 ask qs ****-muscles. I shall ansa as honestly as possible. Until then I'll be be...........#FudgingDudz. #Jealoussssssssssssssssssss :p

19 Replies

Wat do u do 4 a living ? nd plz dnt lie.

I get an education

zeemer replied 4940 days ago

Are you proud of situation nation?

HELL YES!!! My behaviour was a little snaaks mara I had SO MUCH FUN!

zeemer replied 4942 days ago

my frend!, stop reading them brick books u depress me!

Lmao!!!! I can't !!!!!!! I'm OBSESSED with READING!!!!!!! Askies neh! Hahahahahahaha!!!!

zeemer replied 4942 days ago

my frend!!!

Hi friend!!!!! I have no idea who this is though....hahaha!

zeemer replied 4942 days ago

i heard u think im hot...* u mus *** hala at me.

Lmao! I have no idea who u r! Hahahahahaha!

zeemer replied 4942 days ago

y did your group split up at break. Cs its zenie nd dem by da grass den it u nd dem by da tuckshop. Is it because ayabong left.

Uhm yeah to a certain extent, Aya kinda brought us together. I'm friends with Sandy, Zenie, Amo and Michelle but we're different and talk about different things and I hardly see Zero and Katlego during classes so I try to spend as much time with them as possible. And we just don't like sitting on the grass, we like moving around!

zeemer replied 4942 days ago

y u so mean sometimes

I'm mean when necessary. Sometimes people take things the wrong way and assume its me being mean. I wouldn't just be mean to someone out of the blue

zeemer replied 4942 days ago

so when do u plan 2 lose ur purenees ?

Its not something I'm planning on doing just yet! Lol! But I can't predict the future; what happens, happens

zeemer replied 4942 days ago

ur gonna laugh at me

I laugh at everything, its never personal. But its okay if u wanna stay anonymous :p

zeemer replied 4942 days ago

wen will u b in hatfield agen, its been a minute

Not sure hey. I'm kinda tired of Hatfield in the evening. I try going during the day, its much more fun!

zeemer replied 4942 days ago

hw many guys hv u had *ex wit ?

Uhm WOW! None. I'm as pure as snow

zeemer replied 4942 days ago

so like if i like you, hw would u suggest i hint signs to u?

Lol! Uhm...gosh I have no idea ey! Why hint? Why not just say it? :p

zeemer replied 4942 days ago 1

is there any guy u currently hav a crush on

Uhm....not exactly, I just tend to find really random ppl attractive and it almost feels like a crush. But nah, no particular person.

zeemer replied 4942 days ago

y do u and ur friends laugh so much at pipo's mistakes-

Because they are hilarious

zeemer replied 4942 days ago

I don not sulk!!!!!!!! Smh lol

You're supposed to ask a question.....Noxious!

zeemer replied 4942 days ago