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Zhane Sua


Ask me anything you like anonymously

5 Replies

One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?

that im really happy to have someone like you to keep me company and i love it when we talk!!!

zhaneyboy replied 4100 days ago

What would you do if you farted during a class test?

i would just laugh and laugh until the embarrasment has left!!!

zhaneyboy replied 4137 days ago

and how did you meet this girl your talking to? :D

i meet this girl at a party but as aquintances then just talk to her on facebook!!! whenever i can hopefully brightening her day!!

zhaneyboy replied 4137 days ago

Who do you have a crush on??

umm honestly not sure I am talking to aperson I do fancy a bit!!!!

zhaneyboy replied 4151 days ago

A person you lost you would like to see again?

my best mates Akid and Jack simm

zhaneyboy replied 4151 days ago