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Zoe Stedman


Just Do It. ✔

989 Replies

ur smile is soo beautiful


zoe.stedman replied 2943 days ago 1 1

Thoughts and opinion on me? ☺️ Kevin.bell

I'm gonna start with the negative first, your can be the biggest ducking ****, your a smart A$$ when your around other people, sometimes you make me feel uncomfortable in my own house, sometimes you make me want too kill you. And it's your fault I ran at you with a knife that night not mine.

Other than that. I think your absolutely perfect, you make me happy, smile, laugh even when I'm crying. Your all I ever want and more, you mean more too me than anyone has before. You are actually beautiful Kev, you have a perfect heart and you treat me so well, and I'm so thank full for that.
One day everything will go back too normal, I promise.

But I do love you so much baby x

zoe.stedman replied 2943 days ago 1

who do you own?

I don't own anyone

zoe.stedman replied 2943 days ago

At what point did you realise you are attractive?


zoe.stedman replied 2972 days ago

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?


zoe.stedman replied 3037 days ago 1

You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?

No fcking way

zoe.stedman replied 3040 days ago

What was the best compliment you've ever received?


zoe.stedman replied 3043 days ago

What's the last thing you do before sleeping?

Tell Kevin I love him

zoe.stedman replied 3045 days ago

You've ruined Kevin, he deserves better than you

Tell me how I've ruined him huh? Because he doesn't talk too all you little **** hungry ****s bc all yas done was fck him around hmmm :p I've made him happy bro, you's just jelly bc you's didn't get him, and I did ner ner.

Next time you wanna assume sht grow balls and take it off anon aye? Silly little ****.

zoe.stedman replied 3049 days ago

Thoughts on Kevin bell?


zoe.stedman replied 3049 days ago

Who's your favourite person

Kev bot xxx

zoe.stedman replied 3049 days ago 1

What sort of phone do you have? And what colour Also?

iPhone6s and rose gold

zoe.stedman replied 3049 days ago

What was your first relationship like?

My first proper relationship was horrible

zoe.stedman replied 3049 days ago

Thoughts on me xoxox Nikaxx

Tanik, idk what too say honestly
your the most perfect girl I've ever met, I know we drifted apart but you'll always be my bestfriend no matter what, you'll always be like my sister, I love you and your family (brothers) and sisters even though I don't know them lol lol, I'll always always be here for you, you can always come too me for anything, if you ever need to place too stay you've got my house, idk what too say other then I love you so much and you don't deserve anything you've been threw and going threw xoxoxoxoxoxo

zoe.stedman replied 3068 days ago

What's the one moment in your life you wish was recorded?

when Robbie fell down the moving stairs in dandy

zoe.stedman replied 3084 days ago