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Zoe Beattie


Ask me anything you like anonymously

1k Replies

How sik is riz

riz is siq as

zoebeattie replied 3557 days ago

when I saw you the other day, I couldn't help but smile... the memories came flooding back just by looking at you.
you are so gorgeous.

nawwww :)))

zoebeattie replied 3648 days ago

I imagin u HAV a tight ***** and I wanna **** it


zoebeattie replied 3648 days ago

Name one person you can't stay mad at..

uhh, there's more than one. I really can't choose

zoebeattie replied 3649 days ago

Babi u pwettyyy

aw bubba

zoebeattie replied 3660 days ago

I know he still is for a fact

unless you've got proof then I'm not gonna believe you especially because you felt the need to write this on my qoohme, instead of inboxing me so...

zoebeattie replied 3660 days ago

If you're aware of things he's done in the past what makes you think you can still trust him..?

everyone deserves a second chance

zoebeattie replied 3660 days ago

If you know about all the things dales doing behind you're back why are you still together?

I don't know what he's doing behind my back, I found out some **** he has done and that's it, I don't know if these things are still happening or not.

zoebeattie replied 3661 days ago

How do you feel about dale flirting with other girls?

idk if he still does it or what not but it s*cked a lot....

zoebeattie replied 3663 days ago

please believe me when I say this.
Dale is up to no good, I would see him out at clubs flirting and grabbing other girls in there.

i know about this already. thanks anyway.

zoebeattie replied 3664 days ago

s*ck my nip nips *exayyyyyy

nah all goods

zoebeattie replied 3664 days ago

Does dale spank you cause your a naughty little girl?


zoebeattie replied 3664 days ago

Do you think your pretty? not really, I see myself when I wake up so ...

zoebeattie replied 3664 days ago

Do you honestly think that you and dale will last with all this ****?

I dunno, depends how things pan out.

zoebeattie replied 3664 days ago, where every spineless and weak f***** somehow thinks they're all that jussssss because it's all anonymous.

hahah yes, I wonder how many people would say **** if you didnt have the option to put it on anon..

zoebeattie replied 3665 days ago