Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Hunter ?? Nuh, pecked Rochelle on the lips
That is too difficult to answer, oh my
I know this!
Hello! Why thank you :)
She just is ya know
Lots of things, ew
This made me smile, thank you
A newborn child? I could legit say anything to it and it wouldn't remember sh it.
ShereKhan - Skin
Have a bath
Cassidys and Jacobs
Aw! I do talk passionately about it because I am so very passionate about animals, and I wish I could save them all
Anastasia Beverly Hills!
Okay there is this dream I have, I have it often! I'm in this forest type thing, and then there are also paddocks and stuff, and like there are bits fenced off, and there are all different kinds of animals in each fenced off bits, like every animal you can think of! and then there is this building and you go in and there is all these tropical fish and water animals and stuff. And it turns out I have resqued all them animals. I wish I could describe it in more detail, but it's hard. And I wanna keep my life dream to myself!
as in a dream like when you're asleep, or a life goal? :)
you're far too sweet, thank you so much.
thank you! x
Hahahah! I wanna be in the piercing industry too hey haha but legit
why tang yew! my snapchat is zoejmcfarlane
Haha, life is kinda shtty at the moment but I'm doing my best to stay positive about it all. :)
When you get them pierced yeah, haha. You have to stand there without a shirt on so they can do all this stuff. Haha.
Why thank you, whoever you are xxx
There was no question mark, so it could have easily been misinterpreted as a smart A$$ comment/insult. Also you're the idiot, who the fck asks someone if anyone have seen what they look like? of course people have seen what I look like.
is this supposed to be an insult? 'lol'.
Please don't be jealous! and I am so far from perfect, believe me. You're so very kind though, thank you kind anon. xxx
Uh, shut up.
Yeah, it's wonderful! He is wonderful. :)
none of those, aha
woah mayyynnne
is that so
oh god, many things
I don't know what that's supposed to exactly mean but no
THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU ABSOLUTE DARLING! But really, you have to learn to love and except yourself for who you are, and everyone needs to not let as sholes get to them. I mean, others can make you sad but only you can make yourself truly miserable, so don't let petty people ever get to you!
I would rather not get on this topic, haha.
happy cause get to go to Melbourne this Friday and see my bf and best friend and it's gonna be a real great time
you know this doesn't get to me at all right? you're some dweeb hiding behind an anonymous site and I highly doubt you have any makeup skill what so ever. Also I got offered to teach a beauty class and I don't even have my certificate in beauty therapy so gl trying to offend me with your lame insults
Everyone? really? everyone? you're real funny anon, considering barely anyone "knows" me there, and you mustn't either because you would have knew that, also you would have known I have been clean of drugs for a very, very long time. But just for your information, what makes you actually think I care what people think of me? I'm not going to concern myself over people thinking things that aren't true. Also, I don't need "luck". I have a wonderful boyfriend, and wonderful friends there.
I don't really listen to that much rap, so I wouldn't say anyone it the long. My favourite would be Twisted Insane though.
I'm not single, but I would say uh, the best thing about single would be not having to worry about saying/doing the wrong thing.
I will definitely check them out!
Go away pls! Take this up with Carlie, not me.
Uh, why are you telling me this?
I do enjoy Slipknot indeed! I used to listen to Amity when I was younger but not anymore, haha. I don't know what the other band is.
Early next year, pretty certain January! before Jules starts school. :)
I've listened to a few of their songs and have enjoyed them, I really need to get around to buying/downloading their music because so fair I actually really have enjoyed them!
Yeah! :)
so many things
right now it's going pretty good!
omg haven't seen Kenny in so long! he has changed so much since I last seen him, judging from photos! He's turned into a handsome young man. :)
Who cares if my past relationships didn't work, I was young, haha. I still am. Literally, who thinks they're actually going to last in a relationship when they're 15/16/17. lol. I'm currently in a relationship, regardless of how long it will last, I'm not naming people I would sleep with, because right now I don't want to sleep with anyone else. Plus, I would never have a three way.
they actually didn't hurt at all!
I got both! :)
oh god
Ew man
I have a boyfriend
this is a weird question, um. I think anyone would answer this with kindly, but I can't really expect those who dislike me to treat me kindly. So, I guess I would like things to remain how they are and have most people just ignore my exsistance like they usually do, haha.
I tend to not stick to the same brand of foundation, I buy the really cheap stuff from supermarkets! but I mix it with the Manic Panic white foundation for a better colour match. And to contour I use Thin Lizzy! I don't use concealer either, I just use the white foundation to highlight and stuff without mixing it with my other foundation. But thank you darling!
I honestly have no idea
what do you mean do I like American boys? like am I attracted to them? if you mean that, uh, it doesn't really matter where you from, if I'm attracted to you, I'm attracted to you. It doesn't matter where you're from.
people that I can't have a decent conversations with, and people that talk about one thing and one thing only, like they only speak about a certain thing, like drugs for example.
I don't have to do s hit I like my makeup the way I do it, thank you very much
Uh, yeah. I am dating him, haha. For some reason I think I know who this is.
Thank you, so much! :)
don't care what you think it makes my face look like, if I am happy with it that's the main thing. I don't wear makeup to please others, I do it for myself. Take your shallow self somewhere else now, thank you. :)
um, most things
haha, oh yeah
nuh, she'll be right
Haha, I have never heard of Jacob having an STI either, probably just some smack talker trying to start sht.
Haha, unlike many people in Mildura I haven't had $ex with every second guy. I haven't slept with many people, that's why you probably haven't heard of me sleeping with tons of people.
I have never had an STI, so if he did have Chlamydia it definitely wasn't from me.
ayelmao, exactly
Fu cking thank you Nicola! well said.
If you plant a seed and dig it up, you haven't cut down a tree. There is a big difference between aborting something that hasn't even formed a face, or arms and legs yet and murdering a one year old baby, they are no where near the same thing.
:) x
you're saying women should get the choice but then you're having a go at me for saying I would abort a baby? well in your words "kill a baby". And how would you know if I were to get pregnant that it wasn't because protection/contraceptive failed to work? or due to other cir***stances. Women have their own choice, regardless of their reasons, it's no one else's business. I think you need to focus more on your own life and your choices, rather than those around you. Don't even bother continuing this.
you aren't wrong, hahah
Read my last qoohme, you absolute moron.