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dont ask me kak hoekay?

179 Replies

What's pissing you off right now ?

I'm being mized by one of the most important people in my life.?????

zoespeelman replied 3007 days ago

What are you good at?

Stealing girls' boyfriends.

zoespeelman replied 3010 days ago

"Indigo whatwhat"lol...I'm feeling it

K cool.

zoespeelman replied 3010 days ago

What's your dream Car
What school did you go to
Where do you plan on going in life

I'm not that into cars,as long as they $exy,lol.
I'm still in school I go to NSA
I just want to be successful in whatever I do.

zoespeelman replied 3038 days ago

Do you know Ruskin

Nope never known anyone by this name in my life.

zoespeelman replied 3038 days ago

What's an instant turn off for you?

Idk I'll rethink later and reply again.

zoespeelman replied 3043 days ago

Who was the last person you dated?

I've never had a boyfriend in my life.
Yeah I've vibed with people but never dated.?
I'm a baby.?

zoespeelman replied 3043 days ago

Why don't you have a bio?

Bye hoe???

zoespeelman replied 3043 days ago

You have unlimited money. What's the first thing you do?

Prolly buy myself lingerie and uber myself to my mans house.?

Yoh weh I'm talking like I have one.?????
I'd prolly go fetch my bestfriends and we'd go to Doppio Zero to eat lots of pizza. ?

zoespeelman replied 3045 days ago

my baby can i just say that my existence has just been slayed by your account and to think that i was the savage one , i'm devastated babygirl ?❤️
anyways your amazing and we should make plans soon okayyyyy ? ?
much love baby ??? lebo.jonga

Yes we should make plans.❤️
??? you're amazing and you're more the savage one.??

zoespeelman replied 3049 days ago

What happened with you and Naledi?

She's was being her lil ol' lying, back stabbing, faking A$$ btch self again and now we not friends. ?She's a poes and I don't need more than one poes in my life I have my own.

zoespeelman replied 3049 days ago

How did you meet your best friend ?

Yoh weh at first I only wanted to be friends with her because she has a very nice A$$ , so I made friends with one of her dancer friends to get to her and now I actually love her so much.

zoespeelman replied 3049 days ago

How did you meet your best friend ?

At school and we weren't friends at first. We were rude and btchy towards each other literally hated one another ,why? Over a boy I didn't even have feelings for and later on she found out the boy and her are far family. The story is much longer than this.

zoespeelman replied 3049 days ago

What will your child's name be ?

I'm having three: Bob, Victor and Precious.

zoespeelman replied 3058 days ago

This is beyps weCatfish and I just wanna tell you you're awesome and I'm bored so hit me up in the DMs Lee.ks

Who is "Beyps weCatfish"?

zoespeelman replied 3058 days ago