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Zoe Benfield


Ask me questions:)

33 Replies

What do u like doing more by yourself?

Watching YouTube probs idk

zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

Describe Your Bestfriend?

fun to be around

zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

whats your fave fruit

Strawberries ?

zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

friends over family?

Family because your really friends are basically family anyways

zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

do you enjoy school?


zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

biggest lie?

I try not to lie about big things so my answer probably wouldn't be interesting

zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

biggest fear?

Im always scared and worried about what people think of me. Is that a fear?

zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

person you trust the most


zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

are you retarded?


zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

your personality?

I probably come of as really shy or really outgoing I can be both.

zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

What is the one place in the world you wish you lived in?

Anywhere apart from this sht hole

zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

What is your ultimate goal in life

Not to become a complete disappointment:)

zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

Who do u like

U ? Nah idk

zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

If you discovered a new island, what would you name it and why?

The Island. ?

zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago

What have you never truly gotten over?

Sick family members

zzoeeee._ replied 2041 days ago